*Apologies for cross-posting*

Georgia State University Library releases Library Instruction Recorder plugin 
as Open Source

As part of its commitment to the free culture 
movement<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_culture_movement>, Georgia State 
University Library is pleased to announce the initial release of the Library 
Instruction Recorder (LIR). LIR is a free, open source WordPress plugin that 
allows librarians and library staff to record and report on library instruction 

User education is a core value of 
 and Georgia State University Library takes that commitment seriously by 
providing a variety of instruction 
 and self-directed learning 
tools<http://research.library.gsu.edu/learnhowto?p=754175> to both 
 and faculty<http://library.gsu.edu/home/information-for-you/faculty/>. To 
continue recording and reporting on library instruction sessions, the library 
needed a tool that was simple, easy-to-use, effective, and focused solely on 
library instruction needs - finding none, we decided to create our own!

LIR is available for download from the WordPress Plugin 
Directory<http://wordpress.org/plugins/library-instruction-recorder/>, and the 
source code is available on 

Cliff Landis, MSLIS
Web Services Librarian
Georgia State University Library
P: 404.413.2772 | E: clifflan...@gsu.edu<mailto:clifflan...@gsu.edu> | W: 

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