Hey, Cliff!  Congratulations on the release of the software.  I took a look at 
the screenshots on WordPress.org and it seems like this is going to fill a 
needed niche.  

Could you add information about the package 
(https://foss4lib.org/node/add/package) and its first release 
(https://foss4lib.org/node/add/release) to FOSS4Lib?  Doing so will help others 
to find it, whether by the FOSS4Lib site or through announcements on its 
Twitter timeline or through automatic posting of FOSS4Lib items into the 
Code4Lib Planet RSS Feed Aggregator.  I’ll have the FOSS4Lib site sent you 
details about an account.



On Sep 4, 2014, at 9:28 AM, Cliff Landis <clifflan...@gsu.edu> wrote:
> *Apologies for cross-posting*
> Georgia State University Library releases Library Instruction Recorder plugin 
> as Open Source
> As part of its commitment to the free culture 
> movement<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_culture_movement>, Georgia State 
> University Library is pleased to announce the initial release of the Library 
> Instruction Recorder (LIR). LIR is a free, open source WordPress plugin that 
> allows librarians and library staff to record and report on library 
> instruction sessions.
> User education is a core value of 
> Librarianship<http://www.ala.org/advocacy/intfreedom/statementspols/corevalues#education>,
>  and Georgia State University Library takes that commitment seriously by 
> providing a variety of instruction 
> sessions<http://library.gsu.edu/home/services-and-support/services/library-instruction/>
>  and self-directed learning 
> tools<http://research.library.gsu.edu/learnhowto?p=754175> to both 
> students<http://library.gsu.edu/home/information-for-you/undergraduate-students/>
>  and faculty<http://library.gsu.edu/home/information-for-you/faculty/>. To 
> continue recording and reporting on library instruction sessions, the library 
> needed a tool that was simple, easy-to-use, effective, and focused solely on 
> library instruction needs - finding none, we decided to create our own!
> LIR is available for download from the WordPress Plugin 
> Directory<http://wordpress.org/plugins/library-instruction-recorder/>, and 
> the source code is available on 
> BitBucket<https://bitbucket.org/gsulibwebmaster/library-instruction-recorder>.
> http://homer.gsu.edu/blogs/library/2014/08/29/georgia-state-university-library-releases-library-instruction-recorder-plugin-as-open-source/
> ______________________
> Cliff Landis, MSLIS
> Web Services Librarian
> Georgia State University Library
> P: 404.413.2772 | E: clifflan...@gsu.edu<mailto:clifflan...@gsu.edu> | W: 
> clifflandis<http://www.google.com/search?q=clifflandis>

Peter Murray
Assistant Director, Technology Services Development
+1 678-235-2955
800.999.8558 x2955

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