Hello Code4Lib,

I am chairing the Library/IT track for this year’s NERCOMP Annual Conference 
(EDUCAUSE) and wanted to share our conference invitation with the Code4Lib 
crew. As the worlds of Libraries and IT continue to evolve and intertwine, we 
are interested in highlighting innovations and successes - especially on the 
coding and research data management fronts.

Last year, NERCOMP 2014 had some excellent library-centric presentations. Many 
of the Code4Lib 2014 presentations would fit perfectly into the NERCOMP 
schedule. I encourage all to consider presenting.

The deadline for proposals is October 17th.

"NERCOMP's mission is to enhance the communication and dissemination of 
information related to the use of computers, networks and information 
technology in education, academic research and educational administration 
throughout the Northeastern United States. NERCOMP is an associate of EDUCAUSE."
March 30–April 1 | Providence, Rhode Island

The 2015 NERCOMP Annual 
 knows we're  "In IT Together," so we need you to submit a proposal to showcase 
solutions and strategies.

Our everyday actions and decisions impact one another and the future of our 
higher education IT community. From the frontline staff up to the CIO, we are 
all dependent on one another. When we come together, we can do transformative 

Submit a proposal on any of these topics (read full 

  *   IT Services: Support Models and Practice
  *   Leadership and Organizational Development
  *   Libraries and Scholarship in the 21st Century
  *   Policy, Regulations, and Security
  *   Systems and Solutions
  *   Teaching and Learning


Themba Flowers
Manager, Academic IT Solutions, Research Technologies
Co-Director, Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI)
Yale University | 219 Prospect • New Haven • 06520 | 203.432.3278

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