Have you tried assigning the Health Sciences guides to their own groups and
adding custom header HTML at the group-level (Admin > Groups >
Header/Footer/Tabs/Boxes)? You can't use the new mustache-based templating
inside the headers, but you can use plain-jane HTML.

An excellent suggestion! But, alas, groups are only available in LibGuides CMS. Due to budgetary constraints, we're stuck with the regular version.

Templates are customizable, and those customizations apply to the entire page, not just to the content area, although Will's right that with regular LibGuides the entire system and all the guides have a single look & feel.

Yes, that's a good clarification -- the template can adjust the whole page, not just the content area as I mistakenly wrote. But there's no mechanism for applying a template to a specific page or group of pages unless you have LibGuides CMS, so that doesn't help in my case.

I thought about writing some JS to surgically alter the page header after load time, determining who was in which library based on guide tags. That would have been like pulling your wallet from your left pocket with your right hand -- it'd work, it's just horribly awkward. Also I'm pretty certain given my set of librarians that the tags would be forgotten or mistyped fairly often, followed by complaints that it's broken. But ultimately, the main reason I shelved the idea was that I'm the only web developer the library has -- I have to be chary of my time, and other projects took priority.


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