Thanks for all the good additions to my own reading list. Here are some of

Fiction Books - I tend to read urban fantasy and sci-fi, with other stuff
thrown in. I tend to graze tech books, so I won't record them.

The Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch - I'm currently reading book #4 in
the series and #5 just came out. I'm reading the UK editions, so I've been
looking up a lot of Britishisms.
Clariel by Garth Nix (book 4 in the Abhorsen series) - Nix is mostly a
young adult fantasy author, but this series is a cut above.
Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #40) - I re-read all of the
previous books in the series this year.
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce - I kept thinking
"what would Forrest Gump have done", but it was actually a pretty good
The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone - I
finished it in June, just as the fight with Hachette was brewing.

Graphic Novels/Comics - I've been reading more of them this year than I
have for a long time. Guilty pleasure? I guess so. Image Comics is a nice
alternative to Marvel and DC in that the authors retain copyright and
artistic control.

Alex + Ada - about the relationship between artificial intelligence and
humans in a world where androids exist and have the potential to become
sentient. Covers some of the same ground as the movie Her, but with the
luxury of diving deeper as the series goes on.
The Walking Dead - how have I never read these? I binged on borrowed copies
over the long Labor Day weekend and have been buying new issues since.
Still haven't seen the TV series.
Fables - I'm just getting started with this series (and its spin-offs), but
I agree with Paula that this is better than Once Upon A Time.
Velvet - a British spy thriller.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Sarah Walden <> wrote:

> My library hold list has already doubled in size - thanks for all the
> great recommendations!
> I will second the plug for _The Martian_ by Andy Weir. Very gripping, and
> the science felt believable and realistic. John Scalzi's latest, _Lock In_,
> was also a blast to read, and raises some really thought-provoking
> questions about disability, race, and gender, all wrapped up in a
> near-future SF murder mystery.
> ---
> Sarah Walden
> Digital Projects Librarian
> Robert Frost Library
> Amherst College
> PO Box 2256
> Amherst, MA 01002-5000
> Tel: (413) 542-2960
> Fax: (413) 542-2662
> E-mail:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Andromeda Yelton
> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 9:47 AM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] what good books did you read in 2014?
> Hey, code4lib! I bet you consume fascinating media. What good books did
> you read in 2014 that you think your colleagues would like, too?  (And hey,
> we're all digital, so feel free to include movies and video games and so
> forth.)
> Mine:
> (O'Reilly book, plus read free online)
> - a book on testing from a Django-centric, front end perspective. *Finally*
> I get how testing works. This book rewrote my brain.
> _The Warmth of Other Suns_ - finally got around to reading this magnum
> opus history of the Great Migration, am halfway through, it's amazing. If
> you're looking for some historical context on how we got to Ferguson,
> Isabel Wilkerson has you covered.
> _Her_ - Imma let you finish, Citzenfour and Big Hero 6 and LEGO movie and
> Guardians of the Galaxy - you were all good - but I walked out of the
> theater and literally couldn't speak after this one. Plus, funniest
> throwaway scene ever. Almost fell out of my chair.
> _Tim's Vermeer_ - wait, no, watch that one too. Weird tinkering genius who
> can't paint obsesses over recreating a Vermeer with startling,
> physics-driven results. Also, Penn Jillette.
> --
> Andromeda Yelton
> Board of Directors, Library & Information Technology Association:
> Advisor, Ada Initiative:
> @ThatAndromeda <

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