I could never get a room for Thursday night, even on the first day the
conference registration was open. Decided to just take a red-eye flight
home instead. :(

Debra Riley-Huff
Head of Web Services & Associate Professor
JD Williams Library
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Robert Haschart <rh...@virginia.edu> wrote:
> When I originally reserved the room, I also encountered the problem of no
> availability on Thursday night.
> I called on Monday the 15th to try to add in Thursday night and was told
> that there are no rooms at that rate.
> Clearly there is a communication problems at the hotel, between the people
> the organizers have talked to and the people taking reservations.
> One problem the reservation lady seemed to be having is she would ask for
> the group code,   I'd say code4lib, and she'd confirm saying OK so the code
> is 4lib.
> She also had trouble finding the reservation I made through the Oregon
> State University Conference Services site and wanted to just make a new
> reservation, with a notation that it might be a duplicate.   Finally after
> telling her my name, address, email, arrival date  and acknowledgement
> number for a third time, she finally said "Is your first name Robert?"  and
> found the original reservation. <snark> I guess she was confused by all the
> other people with the same last name as me. </snark>  It may be that the
> lower room availability is due to several similarly duplicated reservations.
> -Robert Haschart
> On 12/16/2014 10:59 PM, Tom Johnson wrote:
>> The word from the Hilton as of 6:00 PST is that we have rooms available at
>> the following days:
>>      2/7 - 4
>>      2/8 - 11
>>      2/9 - 19
>>      2/10 - 9
>>      2/11 - 5
>>      2/12 - 2
>>      2/13 - 0
>> I can verify with them tomorrow and see what we can do about expanding the
>> block.  We've only just met (or are about to meet?) our obligations, so we
>> haven't been in a big hurry to bump up the numbers.
>> I would encourage you to negotiate with the hotel directly if you're
>> having
>> trouble, and we'll do what we can on our end.
>> - Tom
>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 6:36 PM, Rainwater, Jean<jean_rainwa...@brown.edu
>> >
>> wrote:
>>  I had the same experience -- got a reservation for Thursday but they said
>>> the block was sold out and I'd have to pay a higher rate.  -- jean
>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:53 PM, Heidi P Frank<h...@nyu.edu>  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm also needing Thursday night added.
>>>> I had reserved my room about a week ago, and got Sunday-Wednesday nights
>>> at
>>>> the conference rate, but couldn't get Thursday night at all.  So based
>>>> on
>>>> suggestions on the C4L email about the hotel, I called them directly to
>>> get
>>>> Thursday night added.  They did add Thursday night onto my reservation,
>>> but
>>>> only at the regular higher rate - they said the conference rate was not
>>>> available for that night.  I had seen a message that people were working
>>> on
>>>> expanding the blocks, but hadn't heard any updates.
>>>> If the hotel block is expanded, especially for Thursday night, can
>>> someone
>>>> confirm?   I still need to call the hotel back so they will change my
>>>> Thursday night price to the conference rate.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> heidi
>>>> Heidi Frank
>>>> Electronic Resources&  Special Formats Cataloger
>>>> New York University Libraries
>>>> Knowledge Access&  Resources Management Services
>>>> 20 Cooper Square, 3rd Floor
>>>> New York, NY  10003
>>>> 212-998-2499 (office)
>>>> 212-995-4366 (fax)
>>>> h...@nyu.edu
>>>> Skype: hfrank71
>>>> On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:30 PM, Betsy Coles<bco...@library.caltech.edu
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I'm not panicking, but I just tried to reserve a hotel room for Sunday
>>>>> night through Wednesday night and the booking website says nothing is
>>>>> available (Sunday through Tuesday was OK).  Could someone please nudge
>>>> the
>>>>> Hilton and get some more rooms added to the block, particularly for
>>>>> Wednesday night?
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Betsy Coles
>>>>> Caltech Library
>>>>> bco...@caltech.edu
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf
>>>> Of
>>>> Tom Johnson
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 1:39 PM
>>>>> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Code4Lib 2015 Registration Update [spots still
>>>>> available]
>>>>> It has come to my attention that the public perception is that Code4Lib
>>>>> 2015 is either sold out or at risk of selling out in the immediate
>>>> future.
>>>>> I'm here to tell you DON'T PANIC!  As of yesterday morning, there are
>>>> at
>>>> least 100 places available for regular (non-speaker, non-scholarship)
>>>>> attendees.  At my latest check in, there should still be hotel rooms
>>>>> available at the conference rate, as well; and we have confidence that
>>>> if
>>>> the hotel block *does* sell out, we can expand it at least a little for
>>>> all
>>>>> the conference days.
>>>>> While there's no need to drag your feet (the earlier the host committee
>>>>> knows rough final attendee numbers, the better!), you shouldn't be
>>>>> concerned at this point if you are waiting for approval (or for after
>>>> the
>>>> holidays) to register.
>>>>> Our goal is to avoid turning anyone away, and we look to be on track to
>>>> do
>>>>> that.
>>>>> Happy Holidays, and hoping to see you in Portland,
>>>>> Tom Johnson, on behalf of the PDX host committee
>>> --
>>> Jean Rainwater
>>> Head, Integrated Technology Services
>>> Brown University Library
>>> 10 Prospect Street / Box A
>>> Providence, Rhode Island 02912
>>> 401.863.9031
>>> jean_rainwa...@brown.edu

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