The world's first Islandora Conference is taking place this summer, August
3 - 7, in Charlottetown, PEI. We are now welcoming proposals for conference

The theme of the conference is Community - the Islandora community, the
community of people our institutions serve, the community of researchers
and librarians and developers who work together to curate digital assets,
and the community of open source projects that work together and in

We are asking for your presentations, panels, and posters around this theme
and welcome your interpretations of what "community" means to you. Please
give us your contact details, a working title, and a brief synopsis of what
you would like to present. We will allow for updates to reflect changes as
your work develops, so just give us your best pitch with what you have now.

Please submit your ideas here:

Submissions are open until April 30th and presenters will be notified
shortly thereafter.

Thank you,

The Islandora Team

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