Submitted another build, this time with just android.gradle=false and that 
generated a file that would install on this device.

The reason I was excluding Google Play Services was because I don't display 
ads and checked that option when submitting my app last time. Google 
displayed a warning that I was including an ad library even though I said I 
did not display ads. The app was accepted though.

I don't understand why location services could not be found when excluding 
Google play services as I am not using them. Is it possible CodenameOne has 
code that references them?

Also I still think it should have worked with the Gradle build as the 
device seems to be supported.

This at least lets me submit a new version of my app.


On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 8:40:32 PM UTC-7, Shai Almog wrote:
> Google effectively dropped support for these phones with Google play and 
> gradle. There are workarounds I highlighted here: 

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