----- Original Message -----
From: "n3tguy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 7:51 AM
Subject: [Coder-Com] Suggestion

>When someone tries to kill, kick, deop +k users (services) reply
><Bot> Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service.
>It should be changed because in an IRC Network there aren't only Channel
services, there are nick services, oper >services etc.

On Undernet there is no nick service and you won't get much opertunity to
see an oper service let alone kick it from your punk ass channel.

>The choise is yours ;o)

Well it isn't actually, most of the smaller networks that (ab)use ircu tend
to customise the notices to suit their needs (or sometimes to just pretend
that they have 3133t coders who write their own ircd), so if they wish to
change that notice then they can. If you are from such a network then this
is something you will need to ask your elite coders to do for you :)



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