> ircu2.10.10, got it from coder.undernet.org, read the install file and did
> as it said.. ./configure, make config, cant run make because i get that
> compile error.

You really need to be emailing the list, especially given that I don't
generally read email on the weekends.

We need more specific information on the version.  u2.10.10 is a major
release; it has a large number of patch releases--we're up to pl14, now,
as I recall.  Look at include/patchlevel.h and note what PATCHLEVEL
is defined to be.  Next, tell us what the command:

  ls -l Makefile doc/Makefile config/Makefile ircd/Makefile

says.  Also let us know of any errors you saw during ./configure or
make config...and include a complete transcript of what you get when you
type "make".
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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