On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 02:47:00PM +0200, Jean-Edouard BABIN wrote:
> he ask why on undernet we can look le true host in user@host whereas on
> infinit.net the host is chat.infinit.net for public, and juste channels op
> and irc op can see the true host..
> i add that on other network they crypt it: aaa.bbb.ccc become ZdD.bbb.ccc
> it's better for protection with bot
> le 18/05/01 4:00, Dominic Pilon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ecrivait:

Smaller IRC networks actually have this feature, it's called hostname cloaking. I 
heard that it's being discussed for Undernet (I'm new on this list so I don't
really know). 

Cloaking hides complete hostnames from end users. Only channel ops are able to
see them and apply bans accordingly. This feature prevents harassment and port scans, 
but it is nowhere near perfect.

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