--with-dpath=dir        Directory for all server data files
  --with-cpath=file       Set server configuration file
  --with-lpath=file       Set the debugging log file

from ./configure --help

This is the line I was using and it worked fine with u2.10.10, and even
u2.10.11 [non alpha_events]

./configure --enable-debug --enable-asserts --enable-profile --with-symlink=
ircd --with-dpath=/home/hektik/irc --with-cpath=ircd.conf --with-lpath=debug
.log --with-maxcon=1020 --bindir=/home/hektik/irc --sbindir=/home/hektik/irc

However, when I started a server using it, it could not read the config file
[ircd.conf].  It was not until I changed the "--with-cpath" to:

./configure --enable-debug --enable-asserts --enable-profile --with-symlink=
ircd --with-dpath=/home/hektik/irc --with-cpath=/home/hektik/irc/ircd.conf -
-with-lpath=debug.log --with-maxcon=1020 --bindir=/home/hektik/irc --sbindir

that it could find ircd.conf.

This may be a simple matter of me sending the wrong info, but
the --with-cpath specifies a file, so I gave it a file and I assumed that it
would look inside the dpath to find it.

Once changed, it started perfectly.

[19:10] ... u2.10.11.alpha.00.9 Irc.DiMeBoX.tla B27DeEFfHIKMpSU

Gavin Grieve
HeKTik @ IRC

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