no. uses php3

Richard T Smith (aka xplora or wakco on Undernet IRC Network)
Technician, Media Design School
Official CService Admin, Undernet Channel Service Committee
Personal Disclaimer: this email is from my own thoughts and opinions and
unless otherwise stated does not represent Undernet, CService, or Media
Design School.
> From: "Jonathan M. Slivko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 13:28:32 +0100 (BST)
> To: Alex Badea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Coder-Com] New GNUWorld Web Interface
> Is this the same interface that is currently being used on The Undernet?
> -- Jonathan
> Quoting Alex Badea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi,
>> A few weeks ago, at Isomer's suggestion, I began working on a new web
>> interface for GNUWorld. I'm happy to announce that I've managed to get
>> it
>> into a functional state. Here's a description:
>> Features:
>> * All public features of the current web interface:
>> * Create new user accounts
>> * Reclaim channels
>> * Recover forgotten passwords
>> * Informational features:
>> * View user records
>> * Edit your own user record
>> * View channel records
>> * Edit a channel where you have the right access
>> * View/edit a channel's userlist
>> * View/edit a channel's banlist
>> * Change your own password
>> * Submit a channel application (!)
>> * Admin features:
>> * Track channel applications and reject/register them
>> * Check channel logs for recent interesting events
>> * Check for channel managers which haven't logged in for 40 days
>> TODO List:
>> * Fix a few violations of the rule of numbers
>> * Check for security holes
>> * Tweak the channel registration part a bit
>> * More admin functions
>> * Refine the admin access control
>> GNUWorld TODO List:
>> * Complete the traffic check implementation
>> * Complete the sync-the-cache-with-the-database implementation
>> The archive is at
>> (-ng as in New Generation :P). I developed the interface using PHP4, so
>> it
>> may not work with previous versions of PHP. Sorry about that.
>> Anctiously awaiting feedback,
>> Vampire-
>> -- 
>> Alex Badea | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>> - Official Coder-Com Representative on Undernet -
> ------------------------------------------------
> Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tech. Support, Simple Hosting Solutions
> Server Co-Administrator, AsylumNet IRC Networks
> -- check us out!
> ------------------------------------------------

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