[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/09/2001 07:15:51:

> the point of discussion with this and cfv-165 is that the features have 
> removed only for users.. not for opers/admins. though arguing with the
> status change is probably as futile as trying to discuss changes to 

Wrong :) opers/admins have no more ability to status any channel than 
anyone else. Infact the only additional functionality in X they can use is 
operpart/operjoin in the case of network problems.

The idea of a user account flag "CAN-ADDUSER-ME" has been thought of: "-X- 
Error, Gte does't like being added to channels"; set it off when you 
really want to be added to a channel when asked. There is no problem 
adding something like that, but I've not seen anyone who wanted it :)

Cheers, Greg

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