At 11:48 AM 10/31/01 +0100, you wrote:
>When trying to send 10 lines of text using putquick "NOTICE $nick :some
>message" from a tcl script the 4 first lines are display immediatly
>to$nick, but the remaining 6 lines are displayed with 1-2 seconds between.
>Is this a penalty options in ircu doing this delay on many lines or ???  If
>so, is it possible to switch this off?

Ircu automatically delays a certain period (2 seconds or so) between
processing rapidly sent lines after a certain number of rapidly sent
command lines have been received and processed. This is a feature
designed to reduce flood attacks. It applies only to client-server
connections, not server-server ones, AFAIK.

Turning this off requires alteration to the source code. Therefore,
you would only be able to turn this off if you happened to administrate
an ircu based server, and this would still only be effective for your
server. Also, it would be a Very Bad Idea to do this, because it opens
your server up to all kinds of DoS attacks. Plus, I doubt any network
would accept such a modified server, because again it permits DoS
attacks from even the least skilled malicious users ...

-- Amarande

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