1. it is a very bad idea (as already stated in the other replies) to have
the server disable it's built in flood protection.

2. putquick is a tcl command used by an eggdrop bot, if you are outputting
notices, that are 10 lines long you are more likely to flood the bot off,
than get the message through, putquick should be used for things like flood
pro tcl scripts, for notices use puthelp it maybe slower but it guarantee's
that the notices will get through and without flooding your eggdrop offline.

3. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is for help/questions/discussion about server
code, not eggdrops sorry.

xplora is wakco (Richard T Smith) yeehaa, doggy... b44w00f

[EMAIL PROTECTED], Official CService Admin,
Undernet Channel Service Committee, Undernet IRC Network.

Note: Unless stated this email is from my own thoughts and opinions and does
not represent Undernet, CService, or Media Design School.
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:48:18 +0100
> Subject: [Coder-Com] putquick
> When trying to send 10 lines of text using putquick "NOTICE $nick :some
> message" from a tcl script the 4 first lines are display immediatly
> to$nick, but the remaining 6 lines are displayed with 1-2 seconds between.
> Is this a penalty options in ircu doing this delay on many lines or ???  If
> so, is it possible to switch this off?
> -Svein-

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