On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, Colin Walker wrote:

> Just a thought... how are other networks handling the issues behind
> encryption of international communications?  After all, our wonderful
> country (and the very trustworthy folks down at the FBI) seem to enjoy
> their ability to spy on their citizens freely. :-)

        afaik the US relaxed a lot of its export laws to most (western)
countries.  Besides if the FBI wanted to spy on Undernet easily (or Scotland
Yard in the UK for that matter) they'd just compell some US server to let
them capture un-encrypted traffic - and I suspect there's not a jot you
could do about it.  In the UK the RIP act wouldn't even let you tell other
servers it was being done...or even talk to a solictor about appealing the
order - big brother is watching you and doesn't want you to tell anyone.

        So much for the free western world.

Chris "_Shad0w_" Crowther

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