20 in 2 minutes (it's the privmsg/notice too many targets).

question has to be tho, why are you creating a "cyclebot"... reason i say
this is while i can think of and know of a few reasons to do this, i should
also warn you that mass-advertising is not allowed or liked on undernet, and
all information it may be collecting as well as what it is doing should
never be used for this purpose.

xplora is wakco (Richard T Smith) yeehaa, doggy... b44w00f
Technician, Media Design School Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Official CService Admin,
Undernet Channel Service Committee, Undernet IRC Network.

Note: Unless stated this email is from my own thoughts and opinions and does
not represent Undernet, CService, or Media Design School Ltd.

> From: "Alexander Maassen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:27:28 +0100
> Subject: [Coder-Com] 439's
> I'm currently working on a new tcl for cyclebots, the tcl itself is actually
> done, but the issue is that because of the joinamount it triggers throttles
> and the bots get 439's, my questions are:
> - Are those throttles host based or client (numeric) based ?
> - What is the optimal joincount/minute for a single client before it triggers
> a 439 ?
> If I get decent answers on those I would be able to recode the script a bit to
> take these into account to minimize the amount of cyclers needed to check
> channels.

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