Yeah, I had heard something about this, but this more or less answers
Stime's other query to me.
My point was that the UserIP command *is* useful when someone is *spoofing*
a user@host - I use it to verify hostnames etc - But given that Undernet
has not implimented any system allowing a users host to be hidden (YET -
Vampire-'s patch being the relavent one here) theres no need to rush into
hiding the UserIP output either, which was my point.


At 13:35 30/01/02 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Vampire- made a patch for the new u2.10.11 for using the username youy use
>in X to be your host... for example: BlakJak is
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] The patch hasn't been added to
>u2.10.11 yet, but their is a way to do hidden hosts. :)
> >ircU as implimented on Undernet doesnt allow users hosts to be hidden.. so
> >its not something I can see implimented any time soon, unless usermode +x
> >becomes prolific?
> >
> >
> >
> >At 03:23 30/01/2002 +0100, stime wrote:
> >>Hello,
> >>I noticed things like /links and /stats are disabled.
> >>Its a good thing, but...
> >>You have forgotten to disable (make oper only) an important command:
> >>/userip
> >>Me and others users change their reverse after we connect to the server,
> >>so kiddie's can't get our real ip with the /dns command,
> >>but more and more kiddie's seem to know about the /userip command,
> >>wich gives the the ip of the client when it connected to the server, the
> >>real ip.
> >>It would save a load of priceless bandwidth if this command would just be
> >>oper only.
> >>
> >>Thanks for reading my idea/view :)
> >>
> >>Cya!
> >
> >

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