on Fri, 15 Mar 2002 20:26:37 -0600 (CST) Stacy Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|I'll send a note.

I don't think anyone's asking you to work that hard!  There
ought to be a way to send an automatic message... no?
In case the filter isn't perfect, you could include a
(disposable) contact address, and a URL for AOL users.

Ideally, you should not see most of the html email.


|On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Py Fivestones wrote:
|> I would hope that any bounced email contains a message that email to
|> coder-com must be HTML free. Like it or not, legitimate posts worthy of
|> this list sometimes contain HTML, as people sometimes post from the
|> workplace or forget to loose the HTML for posts here.
|> stoney`

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