> Is beta 28 the HEAD revision (does it include the MODE A and u additions)?
> If so, then that might be the reason it doesn't work(?).
> On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 08:16:36AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > hello
> > I have ircu2.10.11 beta and CS can not links. He is connected but he not
joined #cservice.
> >
> > Can you help to links CS6.0 or 5.1
> >
> > thanks you  ( iam french man and it's very difficult to me to find
help ) +++
> >
> > PS: please send me a mail

The reason it does not work is simple: IRCore CS only works with ircu up
until u2.10.07 (u2.10.08 for Universal). If you want to use IRCore services,
you should downgrade your ircd, it's that simple.



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