Seriously, what are the chances in this?

I'm figuring that happened, because we both joined at EXACTLY the same time,
wonder why zeu got precedence over ops? heh

*shrug* - It interested me. heh

[23:47] *** Now talking in #123-test
[23:47] *** zeu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has joined #123-test
[23:47] *** zeu sets mode: +o zeu
[23:47] *** sets mode: -o Empus
[23:47] *** zeu sets mode: +o Empus
[23:47] <@Empus> WOAH

  Empus@IRC  (Undernet)                            _     _
  UserService Co-Ordinator & Coder               o' \,=./ `o                        (o o)

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