banning *!*@* has some advantages.

When you ban *!*@* from a channel, only voiced and opped people will be able
to talk, to change their nicks, and no one will be able to join.

In chans like #class, it's sometimes useful to have that ban enabled.

Anyway, if someone wishes to lock a chan, he can +sntmilk and kick everyone.
Theres no need to remove the possibility to ban *!*@*. It's up to the
manager to choose his ops. And like Isomer said, it's hard to determine what
is too wide.

I think we should just forget about making changes on banning *!*@*.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Coder-Com] level 500 command proposal

> I agree....  The ability to ban *!*@* should be either (a) limited to
> cservice staff only, or (b) blocked completely to everyone.
> In my opinion, 9 times out of 10, a *!*@* ban is considered abusive and
> probably used to maliciously lock up the channel.
> I don't really see a need to allow anyone to ban *!*@*, so I believe it
> should be limited to cservice staff only or totally blocked to everybody.
> But, leave the ability to quickly clear the X banlist by unbanning *!*@*.
> >
> > Nice idea, but there is one problem. If you have looked at the
> > mailingarchive you would see this problem has been discussed before
> > and noone seems to care about it. Sounds harsch and is a personal
> > opinion. But likely to be a fact.
> > Stolen usernames are considered a lack of security on the clients side
> > where the user has not put enough efforts into securing his data. Thus
> > in case of a compromised client the client is on his own and needs to
> > act damn quickly in immediately mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
> > The problem that accompanies it that this mailbox receives massive
> > amounts of mail, so before they read it could take a couple of days.
> >
> > My opinion is to completly remove the option to be able to use *!*@*
> > as kick/ban mask. (Run: you stated you would use it to clean up your
> banlist, so it
> > would only be needed to UNBAN, no need to use it for BAN/KICK in this
> > matter)
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >  Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >

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