> >Then of course you can do:
> > *!*@*.??
> > *!*@*.com
> > *!*@*.net
> > *!*@*.org
> > *!*@*.info
> I think is enough to add something only for host/IP.
> If the banned
> host/IP doesn't contain a character a-z, A-Z or a
> digit 0-9 then the
> banmask to be a wrong one. A ban on *!*@*.c* won't
> make X to kick all
> users in that channel (only if all of them have a "c"
> in their hostname).

Well, i'm not sure many persons on a channel would still be there if you ban
*!*@*e* from X ;-p

To the others... May i suggest that if you intend to continue this
discussion, at least specify if you're talking about a ban trough X or as a
channel mode, it's very funny to see so many persons arguing but not talking
of the same thing at all ;-p

- Alocin

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