
This is just something I was wondering... If I would be abusing in a
channel with my real host matching the folowing mask
*!capricorne@*.kabel.telenet.be, I probably would get banned. I could
return with another host & still get banned. Logicly I could have a second
connection open with host nicos.users.undernet.org, looking in that
channel, and laughing @ ops banning my other hosts without them knowing

In a way this isn't so bad, cause it is always possible. You can never
really avoid this. Some years ago I ran a channel, kinda popular with 200
users. We suffered then from spammers, using clients outside the channel
mass-msging users a URL. Probably there was one user (mostly we figured out
who that was) who had an open connection in our channel registring
nicknames that the outside client should message. We used /userip & /dns to
track him down and warn his ISP. Often the abuser recieved an official
warning from his ISP.

Now there we have a problem... Even if we know who did that, he is able to
use his handlehost (?.users.undernet.org) as a mask so we can't figure out
his userip. We won't be able to track him down any more, and his ISP can't
be warned of his abuse.

With this feature, isn't it possible to use your users.undernet.org host as
the client looking in the channel? And if so, could it be possible to
capture multiple connections from one userip? Is it possible that if I ban
a certain handle, for exemple nicos.users.undernet.org, that that handle
(here nicos) isn't able to enter a channel where his undernet-username-host
is banned? Is there a way that the mode +x can help in this situation? Is
there a solution if abusers use that option?



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