> Now there we have a problem... Even if we know who did that, he is able to
> use his handlehost (?.users.undernet.org) as a mask so we can't figure out
> his userip. We won't be able to track him down any more, and his ISP can't
> be warned of his abuse.

Undernet's AUP prohibits spamming, so you can email logs to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  It'll likely result in suspension of his account, and
hopefully also a complaint from abuse@ to the user's ISP.  This is clearly
not as good as letting the user do this himself, but it's a trade-off
we've made to add some privacy for our users.

> With this feature, isn't it possible to use your users.undernet.org host as
> the client looking in the channel? And if so, could it be possible to
> capture multiple connections from one userip? Is it possible that if I ban
> a certain handle, for exemple nicos.users.undernet.org, that that handle
> (here nicos) isn't able to enter a channel where his undernet-username-host
> is banned? Is there a way that the mode +x can help in this situation? Is
> there a solution if abusers use that option?

The user must be logged in.  X will only allow MAXLOGINS simultaneous logins
from a given username, and MAXLOGINS may not exceed 3.
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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