Since when can we have a server set usermodes ?

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, [iso-8859-1] Michel Hubert wrote:

>  --- Alex Badea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> >
> > I disagree with the umode +x behaviour. Imagine a client sends a /msgX
> > login and a /mode +x upon connection. What will usually happen is the
> > mode
> > will be processed before the account message from X, so it just makes
> > life
> > more complicated. If we really must inform users about what's going
> > on
> > under their feet, we could send a server notice, or even a numeric
> > when
> > their host gets hidden.
> Since it's working with X why not +x mode be a toggle in the X config
> for that user? Like X do the /mode +x on the user rather than the user
> if it ask X to be +x by default (+x would not be the default)
> This still left the user to do it himself or remove it if he want it.
> =====
> Michel Hubert~_KcuTzZ_ - Oper on


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