hi there,

I have observed that when you join a channel that is +k, the key will not be
showed until you get ops.

if I type /mode #chan to see it's current modes and I'm not opped, it will
#chan +stnk *
#chan created on Fri Jul 25 13:37:48 1997

When I get ops and type the same commad, I can see the key:
#chan +stnk key
#chan created on Fri Jul 25 13:37:48 1997

So I told myself: It was coded this way so only ops can know what the key
is, and thats a good thing in my opinion. Though, when I use 2 different
clients, one opped and one not opped, and I type /mode #chan -k key on the
channel, it's not only the ops of the channel that sees the channel key but
also the non-ops.

Here's what I see from the non-opped client:
[12:54] * Hidden sets mode: -k key
[12:54] * USP sets mode: +k key

That's exactly what I see from the opped client: it shows the key to
everyone, even non-ops. Should the server hide the chan key to the eyes of
the non-ops by replacing key with * ? By the logic of hiding the key to the
non-ops on /mode, I would say yes.

What are your thoughts on the subject ?



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