> I know what you're going to say: check your mIRC settings, check your firewal
> l rules. Did that already an not only once. Yesterday i decided to investigat
> e it further. I turned mIRC's debugging on and typed this command:
> //.quote PRIVMSG $me : $+ $chr(1) $+ DCC CHAT chat 3245235969 6667 $+ $chr(1)
> And this is what I got in debug.log:
> -> Bucharest.Ro.Eu.Undernet.Org PRIVMSG evi|one :DCC CHAT chat 3245235969 666
> 7
> <- :evi|[EMAIL PROTECTED] PRIVMSG evi|one :DCC CHAT chat
>  1055353908 49405
> As you can see bucharest.* CHANGED the IP and the port in the DCC request. 10
> 55353908 is my real IP (the IP bucharest.* knows me by), but mIRC doesn't lis
> ten for incoming connections on that port (the value of the port is not alway
> s the same). The weird thing is that this doesn't happen for all bucharest.* 
> users, but it always happen to me (i got debug log from other users too, conf
> irming the fact that the server changes the port).

It is very unlikely that bucharest changed the IP and port.  It is far, far
more likely that you're running a NAT firewall with a module to translate
DCC requests "properly"--such things exist for Linux.  Ircu doesn't have
the resources to spare to look for DCC requests and translate them in this
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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