About the *.user.undernet.org and the fact that it is nice to protect yourself against attacks, it is also a pain for channel ops to find out who is doing what and to find out to whom they should complain if they want to inform an ISP (...)
The fact that a ban is still usefull for banning a person even if they masquerade their host is nice... if you can find that true host! And with the fact that flooders will register 30 false login it is a real pain to live with ... Anyway, my point is: why not put a privilege on the whois request done by a op on a user on his channel? It would reduce the abuse on multiregistering because there would be many less use for it AND it would let users act upon flooders if they join the channel where they are op by maybe contacting the ISP (...) The fact that a person decide to join a channel is still his own choice, so it will not impact on the desire to protect a user privacy or security... If they join a channel they accept to obey by the rules of the channel and to allow acces to their true host to the ops, nothing bad in that. So, to be clear, what i am suggesting is: For everyone, the whois of Someone would still look like SomeUser is [EMAIL PROTECTED] * something SomeUser on #chan1 #chan2 SomeUser using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld SomeUser End of /WHOIS list. Except for ops on #chan1 or #chan2 that would see: SomeUser is [EMAIL PROTECTED] * something SomeUser on #chan1 #chan2 SomeUser using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld SomeUser End of /WHOIS list. I will also add that this would not compromise CPU usage very much... Or if this is something you absolutly want to avoid, use the same principle that was use for cprivmsg... i dislike the idea of having to use a new command, but even that would at least help me free the channels where i am op of those «kiddies-that-didn't-got-their-x-box-for-christmas-so-the-world-must-suffer» type of users... Tank you for your interest.. reply/suggestions welcome :o) - Alocin p.s.: There is other possibilities, like adding a 'join comment' stating the host to the ops only... (there is already a 'part comment' so the syntax is already in place) and that would eventualy reduce the need for client to use secondary commands to generate an internal user list. Or/and the WHO could be modified in the same way...