Going through a config/install cycle with ircu accepting the defaults
ends up putting the server and config in somewhat unexpected
directories. I know this is historical, but it would be nice to clean it
up a bit.
I have a couple project suggestions if anyone is interested in working
on release management.
1. Change the directory structure to match more closely the gnu, lfs.
and posix standards.
The server binary should go in $PREFIX/sbin, config files should go in
$PREFIX/etc/ircd, the server log path should default to $PREFIX/var/log,
the pid file should get put in $PREFIX/var/run, etc..
2. Write a perl | shell script to configure ircd.conf file with
reasonable defaults based on the machine hostname, IP address, etc. so
the server can "Run out of the box".
3. The installation scripts should create the directory structure and
ircd.conf file, and be smart enough not to trash an existing config.