Hi, I have put my egg with +x

This is in my eggdrop.conf

# script to run (if any) when first connecting to a server
set init-server { putserv "MODE $botnick +ix-ws" }

And I have made a tcl script that ident my egg to X if is not oped in chan that he have access.
I admit that this script is not very advanced. I have made it quickly, modify it like you want.

set canal_X(#chanthatmybothaveaccess) "1"

proc notc:X_login { nick uhost handle arg asd } { putserv "PRIVMSG [EMAIL PROTECTED] :LOGIN yourusername yourpass" } proc X_needop {canal} { global botnick if [isop X $canal] { puthelp "PRIVMSG x :op $canal $botnick" } }

proc X_needinvite {canal} {
   global botnick
   puthelp "PRIVMSG X :invite $canal"
proc X_needunban {canal} {
   global botnick
   puthelp "PRIVMSG x :unban $canal $botnick"
   puthelp "JOIN $canal"
proc X_join_rajouter { nick uhost hand chan } {
   global botnick
   global canal_X
   if {$nick == $botnick} {
       if [info exists  canal_X($chan)] {
           channel set $chan need-op "X_needop $chan"
           channel set $chan need-invite "X_needinvite $chan"
           channel set $chan need-unban "X_needunban $chan"

bind join - * X_join_rajouter
bind notc - "Sorry, You must be logged in to use this command." notc:X_login


Good afternoon all,

Got a little question about the +x mode. It seems that some people are not able to log into the x mode or at least set it on there Ip or whatever you may call it.

We (some op's in a channel) are having a friendly bot in there who helps us out to keep the channel clean from scary people *grin*.

We would have like to put him on +x to have at least a safer way on hiding it's ip.
We logged him in and stuff but the +x is not able to be set.

Now I wondered if this was a bot matter or not but the fact that some other operators 
in our channels aren't able either to turn it on made me wonder even more.
We suggested them to switch servers and all but still the keep on having the problem.

Any suggestions?

Greetings, Sofie

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