Dear Friend,

Naturally, this letter will come to you as a surprise since we have not
met, permit me however, I am MR. THOMAS ODIA, a Zimbabwean Farmer. I am
contacting you as the need for me to have a foreign partner in your country
has become necessary due to my plans to relocate and establish a private
company in that region, as the present political instability in my country
(Zimbabwe), does not encourage financial investment as the environment is
not conducive for investment and most of all security is not guaranteed,
just as reported by the International media. 

This problem started when the Zimbabwean government under the leadership
of President Robert Mugabe announced a decree on May 31st 2001 to seize
more than 6000 white-owned farms. So far, more than 5,400 white owned farms
have been invaded, properties confiscated and farm lands seized. During
these periods, as reported by the international media and C.N.N, more than
500 white farmers were killed, the government didn't stop at this, as just
recently the government have asked all white-farmers to give up their farms
to black farmers or risk going to prison. 

Having lived in this country (Zimbabwe) for more than 35 years, I have no
other country to go to, nor can I trace any of my distant relatives. Therefore,
I decided to contact you  for your assistance so that I can establish a
company in your country and relocate there. Also, I must re-iterate the
importance of having a citizen of your country to front as the owner of
the enterprise, due to the fact that I will be a foreigner in your country.

I have deposited in a Security company all the funds realised from the sales
of my farmland and other farming equipment which amounted to USD8,500,000.00
(Eight million, five hundred thousand United States Dollars).These funds
was packaged in a trunk box and declared as Gemstones to avoid much demurrage
from the security company.

The trunk box of us$8.5m have been arranged and securely sealed, crated
and then deposited with a security company ready for shipment abroad via
diplomatic courier service so as to make it immune to custom and other bureaucratic
checks at the ports. The reason for this is because it is the only way the
funds can be transferred without any problems.

For now, I stay in Johannesburg (South Africa) because Zimbabwe is highly
unsafe for me and my family. You can mail your immediate response to me.
Upon your immediate response, I will immediately arrange and send to you
all the documentation that will empower your good self in finalizing the
transaction with the security company. Let me use this opportunity to also
inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free and should also be handled
in the most confidential manner.

I have options to offer you, first you can choose to have certain percentage
of the money for your assistance, or you can go into partnership for a proper
profitable investment of the money in your country. Which ever option you
choose, feel free to notify me. I have mapped out 5% of this money for all
expenses incurred in processing the transaction. If for some reasons you
do not prefer a partnership, I am willing to give you 25% of the money while
the remaining 70% that is meant for me, will be for the investment in your

So based on the above, it is important you communicate with me. On the event
that you cannot assist me do the business, i beg you to still keep my contact
and existence of my fund a secret.

I also require you to make available to me your confidential telephone and
fax numbers to enable me comminicate with you easily.

Sincere Regards,

Thomas Odia.

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