On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 14:56 -0400, Michael Poole wrote:
> Fellow Coder-Commies,

Socialist if i may =) (Sweden etc etc)

> I have heard sporadic reports that ircu2.10.12 starts and goes into
> the background but does not listen on configured ports on Linux --
> today I got a report for this on SuSE 9.3 where the admin had Port {
> port = 6667; }, which works on my (Ubuntu) system.  This does not seem
> to be the known (and fixed) behavior under recent BSDs.

> Is anyone familiar with similar reports?  If so, do you know any
> details about the particular failing system call, whether it can be
> fixed by either ircd or system configuration changes under,
> or whether it is definitely fixed by the listening port changes ins

I had some similar problems when i had finished porting the arcnet
patches. If you specify a hostname which exists, it will resolve that
hostname and try to listen to it. When i on my internal lan said that my
General { name = ... Was pomac.netswarm.net nothing worked, so i had to
put up a vhost (it hangs with a udp socket open). But when i later
installed i on pomac.netswarm.net, it immediately started listening to
the right ip.

Tell them to try adding vhosts to General and Port to see if that helps,
did for my internal test server.

PS. This is

> Thanks,
> Entrope
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Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> -- http://pomac.netswarm.net

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