Howdy all, me again :)

I'm trying to revive some Java code I wrote back in the early days of  
u2.10.11. I had attempted to implement AsLL support at that time, but  
with little success. I've been playing with it for a few days on  
u2.10.12.12, and I think I got it right more or less:

[RECV] AB G !1197480213.170660 K9.TestNet.Org 1197480213.170660
[SEND] AA Z AA AB 1197480213.170660 1 1197480213.171217

When I first connect the service server, AsLL appears to be working  

*       AsLL for K9.FeezNet.Org -- RTT: 0ms Upstream: 1ms Downstream: 0ms
*       AsLL for 1 local servers matched
*       AsLL for K9.FeezNet.Org -- RTT: 0ms Upstream: 1ms Downstream: 0ms
*       AsLL for 1 local servers matched

However, after being connected for a while (and sending some pings and  
pongs back and forth), I get the following reply:

*       AsLL for K9.FeezNet.Org -- [unknown]
*       AsLL for 1 local servers matched

Even though my PONGs are always sent in exactly the same format, for  
some reason this always happens after a while, sometimes it gets data  
again and other times the server replies "unknown".
There is also no AsLL data available after the first PING/PONG, it  
seems to require two and then continues to 'forget and recall' the  
server stats after a while and seemingly at random.
Perhaps Kev or someone else knowledgable on the subject, would like to  
elaborate on what exactly it is that I'm doing wrong here. After five  
years I still haven't figured it out, someone please put me out of my  
misery. ;)

Also I have noticed that the server appears to send empty messages  
from tine to time, in particular after reconnecting when it was  
SQUIT'ed. Is there any particular reason for this, or is this just an  
extra cr/lf I'm seeing? Example after SQ:

Connecting to BE.EU.TestNet.Org on port 4400
[SEND] PASS :test
[SEND] SERVER K9.FeezNet.Org 1 1197480205 1197481908 J10 AA]]]  
+s :Development Server
[RECV] PASS :test
[RECV] SERVER BE.EU.TestNet.Org 1 1197464617 1197481908 J10 ABAf]  
+6 :Brussels, Belgium
[SEND] AA N K9 1 946684800 K9 K9.FeezNet.Org +k AAAAAA AAAAA :I eat  
borg for lunch
[RECV] AB N phase 1 1197465083 ~phase BE.EU.TestNet.Org +owgr phase  
[RECV] AB B #doghouse 946684800
[RECV] AB B #belgium 946684800 +tn ABAAA:o
[SEND] AA B #doghouse 946684800 +nt AAAAA:o
[SEND] AA B #doghouse 946684800 +nt AAAAA:oAA B #belgium 946684800 +nt  
[RECV] AB G !1197481923.158769 K9.FeezNet.Org 1197481923.158769
[SEND] AA Z AA AB 1197481923.158769 1 1197481923.159207

Best regards,


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