Please remember to cc the list on your replies.  For that matter, let's
move this discussion to (note that, for spam
prevention, we have this list closed-posting; you can easily join,
though, and it's extremely low traffic these days).  You can also try
asking on #coder-com on Undernet (assuming anyone is actually awake...)

On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 15:16 -0600, John Dieter wrote:
> ok, well I read that, and still have no idea how to make "too many 
> connections from your host" go away.
> It used to work fine with previous packages.
> first user ssh to server and epic4's to ircd just fine.
> second user ssh to server and runs epic4 gets "too many connections".
> I've googled for days, been fighting this for months.
> sorry for the attitude.

You mention "packages"--did you download the source and compile it, or
are you relying on a distribution package?  If the latter, you might
want to check with the packager to make sure they haven't made any
changes.  Also, in either case, make certain that you're using ircu from
Undernet; I think that there's at least one other package out there that
calls itself ircu, but which has diverged from Undernet ircu long ago.

You mention that you've got multiple users from the same machine
connecting to the IRC server.  You might want to check the "maxlinks"
clause of your "client" blocks, as well as your "class" blocks; the
"maxlinks" clause in "client" blocks allows restrictions to be applied
on the number of clients originating from a given IP address (to limit
the number of clones a user can load).  (This is as opposed to the
"maxlinks" clause of "class" blocks, which restricts the total number of
connections across all "client" blocks (and auto-connections of "server"

Another thing to check is the IPCHECK_CLONE_* feature settings.  We
don't currently have a way to turn off IPcheck, but you can raise the
values of those feature settings from their defaults to make it less
likely that you'll accidentally trip the detection.  (IPcheck is
intended to catch abusers that make several connections from the same
host within a short period of time.  I believe that it doesn't usually
trip until 4 connections have been received, but I've not personally
examined that code, and we have had a fair amount of difficulty with it
in the past.)

(Search for IPCHECK_CLONE_* in doc/readme.features; those settings go in
the "features" block of your ircd.conf.)
Kevin L. Mitchell <>

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