
I also think this is a great idea.
And basic_aggregator is probably a good candidate to experiment this new feature because there should be not so many changes to do (mainly replace the stat(filename) with... nothing)

Now, here is the need :
1/ I update the configuration file
2/ ???
3/ basic_aggregator (or any plugin that support reconfiguration) reconfigures itself thanks to the callback.

For the step 2/ I suggest a new command of collectdctl. That command would allow to specify the plugin to reconfigure, or something like "all" to reconfigure all the plugins. Does that sound correct ?

About restarting the thread, yes, but who free the memory the plugin allocated ? I'm not sure this is a so good idea.

Back to basic_aggregator : I think I will adapt the plugin to have a function that can become the reconfigure callback. Before collectd implements a reconfigure callback mechanism, it will be called inside the plugin if stat(filename) means there is a newer file.


Le 12.10.2012 14:08, Fabien Wernli a écrit :

Adding a configuration reload is an excellent idea, and is one of the big missing features of collectd IMHO. I quite agree with Lindsay's remarks:
there should simply be a warning for the plugins that don't support
reconfiguration. On the other hand, maybe there should be the option to
restart the thread, if it doesn't register the cb.

just my 2 euros


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