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The "RunningCassandraInEclipse" page has been changed by RogerSchildmeijer.


+ If Eclipse still complains about compile errors it is because 'src' (and not 
'src/java') is added as source folder. To fix this I recommend to remove 'src' 
from build path and add 'src/java' to the build path (just like you did for the 
thrift and avro generated code).
+ Now, if you are lucky, your Eclipse workspace should look something like this:
+ {{attachment:FixSrcJavaSourceFolder-11.png}}
  Now the errors should be gone and you are ready to create a run/debug 
configuration for cassandra.
  Click "Run" -> "Run Configurations...". Select 
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraDaemon as you Main class, make sure that 
your cassandra project is selected in the "Project" field.

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