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The "RunningCassandraInEclipse" page has been changed by RogerSchildmeijer.


  (Some Eclipse users have complained about the following error message: 
- '''''"Access restriction: The method getDuration() from the type GcInfo is 
not accessible due to restriction on required library 
+ '''''Access restriction: The method getDuration() from the type GcInfo is not 
accessible due to restriction on required library 
  This is because some parts of the Cassandra project are using stuff from the 
com.sun.* package and Eclipse's default behaviour is to report that as an 
error, Intellij IDEA does not. The best solution to fix this I've come up with 
so far, is to change the ”compile level" from error to e.g warning for this. To 
do this right click on your cassandra project -> properties -> java compiler -> 
error/warnings and locate "Forbidden reference (access rule)" under "Deprecated 
and restricted API")

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