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  #language en
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  = Cassandra Wiki =
  Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, 
structured key-value store. Cassandra brings together the distributed systems 
technologies from 
 and the data model from Google's 
[[|BigTable]]. Like Dynamo, 
Cassandra is 
 consistent]]. Like !BigTable, Cassandra provides a !ColumnFamily-based data 
model richer than typical key/value systems.
  Cassandra was open sourced by Facebook in 2008, where it was designed by 
Avinash Lakshman (one of the authors of Amazon's Dynamo) and Prashant Malik ( 
Facebook Engineer ). In a lot of ways you can think of Cassandra as Dynamo 2.0 
or a marriage of Dynamo and !BigTable.  Cassandra is in production use at 
Facebook but is still under heavy development.
  == General Information ==
   * [[|Official Cassandra Website]] (download, 
bug-tracking, mailing-lists, etc)
   * [[ArticlesAndPresentations|Articles and Presentations]] about Cassandra.
   * [[DataModel|A description of the Cassandra data model]]
   * [[CassandraLimitations|Cassandra Limitations]]: where Cassandra is not a 
good fit
  == User Documentation ==
   * [[GettingStarted|Getting Started]]
   * [[ClientOptions|Client options: ways to access Cassandra]] -- interfaces 
for Ruby, Python, Scala and more
   * [[RunningCassandra|Running Cassandra]]
   * [[ArchitectureOverview|Architecture Overview]]
   * [[API|Thrift API Documentation]] (In progress)
   * [[UseCases|Simple Use Cases and Solutions]] -- please help complete
-  * [[FAQ|FAQ]]
+  * [[FAQ]]
  == Advanced Setup and Tuning ==
   * [[StorageConfiguration|Storage Configuration]]
   * [[MultinodeCluster|Creating a multi-node cluster]]
   * [[Operations]]
   * [[Embedding]]
-  * [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]]
+  * [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]] and other 
[[PerformanceTuning|Performance Tuning]]
   * [[CassandraHardware|Cassandra Hardware]]
-  * [[CloudConfig|Configuration on Rackspace or Amazon Web Services]] -- 
please help complete
+  * [[CloudConfig|Configuration on Rackspace or Amazon Web Services]]
  == Developer Documentation ==
-  * [[ArchitectureInternals]]
+  * ArchitectureInternals
   * [[CLI Design]]
   * [[HowToContribute|How To Contribute?]]
   * [[HowToCommit|How To Commit?]]
@@ -52, +47 @@

   * Commits: 
  == Related Information ==
   * [[|Thrift]], used by Cassandra for 
client access
-  * [[RelatedProjects]]: Projects using or extending Cassandra
+  * RelatedProjects: Projects using or extending Cassandra
  == Google SoC 2010 Page ==
   * [[GoogleSoc2010|Google SoC]]
+ This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.  With the exception of a few immutable 
pages, anyone can edit it. Try SyntaxReference if you need help on wiki markup, 
and FindPage or SiteNavigation to search for existing pages before creating a 
new one. If you aren't sure where to begin, checkout RecentChanges to see what 
others have been working on, or RandomPage if you are feeling lucky.
- This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.  With the exception of a few immutable 
pages, anyone
- can edit it. Try SyntaxReference if you need help on wiki markup, and
- FindPage or SiteNavigation to search for existing pages before creating a
- new one. If you aren't sure where to begin, checkout RecentChanges to see
- what others have been working on, or RandomPage if you are feeling lucky.
  == Other Languages ==
   * [[FrontPage_ZH|SimpleChinese 简体中文]]

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