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The "FAQ" page has been changed by TylerHobbs:

Update port information

  == What ports does Cassandra use? ==
- By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication, 9160 for clients 
(Thrift), and 8080 for [[JmxInterface|JMX]].  These are all editable in the 
configuration file or bin/ (for JVM options). All ports are TCP. 
See also RunningCassandra.
+ By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication (7001 is SSL is 
enabled), 9160 for clients (Thrift), and 7199 for [[JmxInterface|JMX]].  The 
internode communication and Thrift ports are configurable in cassandra.yaml, 
and the JMX port is configurable in (through JVM options). All 
ports are TCP. See also RunningCassandra.

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