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The "FAQ" page has been changed by TylerHobbs:

Remove very old notes about autobootstrap behavior

  == What ports does Cassandra use? ==
- By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication (7001 is SSL is 
enabled), 9160 for clients (Thrift), and 7199 for [[JmxInterface|JMX]].  The 
internode communication and Thrift ports are configurable in cassandra.yaml, 
and the JMX port is configurable in (through JVM options). All 
ports are TCP. See also RunningCassandra.
+ By default, Cassandra uses 7000 for cluster communication (7001 if SSL is 
enabled), 9160 for clients (Thrift), and 7199 for [[JmxInterface|JMX]].  The 
internode communication and Thrift ports are configurable in cassandra.yaml, 
and the JMX port is configurable in (through JVM options). All 
ports are TCP. See also RunningCassandra.
@@ -73, +73 @@

  == What happens to existing data in my cluster when I add new nodes? ==
- Starting a new node with the -b [bootstrap] option will cause it to contact 
other nodes in the cluster to copy the right data to itself.
+ When a new nodes joins a cluster, it will automatically contact the other 
nodes in the cluster and copy the right data to itself.
+ In general, you should set the 'initial_token' config option in 
cassandra.yaml before starting a new node. Otherwise, a suboptimal token may be 
selected automatically, leading to an unbalanced ring.  See 
[[Operations#Token_selection|token selection]] in the operations wiki.
- In Cassandra 0.5 and above, there is an "AutoBootStrap" option in the config 
file. When enabled, using the "-b" options is unnecessary, because new nodes 
will automatically bootstrap themselves when they start up for the first time. 
Even with AutoBootstrap it is recommended that you always specify the 
InitialToken because the picking of an initial token will almost certainly 
result in an unbalanced ring.  If you are building the initial cluster you 
certainly don't want to leave InitialToken blank.  Pick the tokens such that 
the ring will be balanced afterward and explicitly set them on each node.  See 
[[Operations#Token_selection|token selection]] in the operations wiki.
- Unless you know precisely what you're doing and are aware of how the 
Cassandra internals work you should never introduce a new empty node to your 
cluster and have autoboostrap disabled.  In version 0.7 under write load it 
will cause writes to be sent to the new node before the schema arrives from 
another member of the cluster.  This would also indicate to clients that the 
new node is responsible for servicing reads for data that it definitely doesn't 
- In Cassandra 0.4 and below, it is recommended that you manually specify a 
value for "InitialToken" in the config file of a new node.

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