Author: ggregory
Date: Sat Aug  6 17:03:15 2011
New Revision: 1154545

Keep the full history in RELEASE-NOTES.txt.


Modified: commons/proper/codec/trunk/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
--- commons/proper/codec/trunk/RELEASE-NOTES.txt (original)
+++ commons/proper/codec/trunk/RELEASE-NOTES.txt Sat Aug  6 17:03:15 2011
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ $Id$
 The Commons Codec team is pleased to announce the commons-codec-1.5 release!
 The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for
-     various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal.  In addition to these
-     widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a
-     collection of phonetic encoding utilities.
+various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these
+widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a
+collection of phonetic encoding utilities.
 Changes in this version include:
@@ -29,10 +29,175 @@ o Base64InputStream#read(byte[]) incorre
 o Typo in DecoderException message thrown from Hex.decodeHex.  Issue: 
CODEC-103. Thanks to gnuf. 
 o Caverphone encodes names starting and ending with "mb" incorrectly.  Issue: 
CODEC-117. Thanks to ggregory. 
 o Remove deprecated package private method Base64.discardWhitespace(byte[])  
Issue: CODEC-116. Thanks to ggregory. 
 Have fun!
 -Commons Codec team
+Commons Codec Package Version 1.4 Release Notes
+o Codec 1.4 is binary compatible with Codec 1.3
+o Codec 1.4 has a minimum requirement of JDK 1.4
+Changes in this version include:
+  New Features:
+o [CODEC-60] Implement Caverphone.
+o [CODEC-52] Digest on InputStreams.
+o [CODEC-39] DigestUtils: Add methods for SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.
+o [CODEC-69] Streaming Base64 (Base64InputStream and Base64OutputStream added).
+o [CODEC-59] Add methods to Base64 which work with String instead of byte[]
+  Fixed bugs:
+o [CODEC-77] Base64 bug with empty input (new byte[0]).
+o [CODEC-72] Soundex and RefinedSoundex issues with character arrays.
+o [CODEC-71] Base64.isArrayByteBase64() method is inefficient for large byte 
+o [CODEC-70] Thread safety and malicious code safety improvements.
+o [CODEC-68] isBase64 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on some non-BASE64 
+o [CODEC-65] Fix case-insensitive string handling.
+o [CODEC-61] Base64.encodeBase64() throws NegativeArraySizeException on large 
+o [CODEC-58] Character set used by Base64 not documented.
+o [CODEC-56] RefinedSoundex creates instance before al fields have been 
+o [CODEC-51] Test failures in SoundexTest
+o [CODEC-10] Using US_ENGLISH in Soundex caused an NullPointerException.
+o [CODEC-6]  Source tarball spews files all over the place.
+o [CODEC-22] Base64.isArrayByteBase64() throws an 
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for negative octets
+o [CODEC-78] Base64: Improve Code Coverage
+o [CODEC-81] Base64's new constructor parameters ignored
+o [CODEC-83] Improve Double Metaphone test coverage
+o [CODEC-84] Double Metaphone bugs in alternative encoding
+o [CODEC-73] Make string2byte conversions indepedent of platform default 
+  Changes:
+o [CODEC-75] Make Base64 URL-safe
+o [CODEC-74] Allow for uppercase letters output in Hex.encodeHex().
+o [CODEC-40] Add crypto-compatible BigInteger encoding support to Base64.
+Commons Codec Package Version 1.3 Release Notes
+  New Features:
+o BinaryCodec: Encodes and decodes binary to and from Strings of 0s and 1s. 
+  Issue: 27813. Thanks to Alex Karasulu. 
+o QuotedPrintableCodec: Codec for RFC 1521 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail 
+  Extensions) Part One. Rules #3, #4, and #5 of the quoted-printable spec are 
+  not implemented yet. See also issue 27789. Issue: 26617. Thanks to Oleg 
+  Kalnichevski. 
+o BCodec: Identical to the Base64 encoding defined by RFC 1521 and allows a 
+  character set to be specified. Issue: 26617. Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski. 
+o QCodec: Similar to the Quoted-Printable content-transfer-encoding defined 
+  in RFC 1521 and designed to allow text containing mostly ASCII characters 
+  to be decipherable on an ASCII terminal without decoding. Issue: 26617. 
+  Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski. 
+o Soundex: Implemented the DIFFERENCE algorithm. Issue: 25243. Thanks to 
+  Matthew Inger. 
+o RefinedSoundex: Implemented the DIFFERENCE algorithm. Issue: 25243. Thanks 
+  to Matthew Inger. 
+  Fixed bugs:
+o The default URL encoding logic was broken. Issue: 25995. Thanks to Oleg 
+  Kalnichevski. 
+o Base64 chunked encoding not compliant with RFC 2045 section 2.1 CRLF. 
+  Issue: 27781. Thanks to Gary D. Gregory. 
+o Hex converts illegal characters to 255. Issue: 28455. 
+o Metaphone now correctly handles a silent B in a word that ends in MB. 
+  "COMB" is encoded as "KM", before this fix "COMB" was encoded as "KMB". 
+  Issue: 28457. 
+o Added missing tags in Javadoc comments. 
+o General Javadoc improvements. 
+  Changes:
+o This version is relesed under the Apache License 2.0 , please see 
+  LICENSE.txt. Previous versions were released under the Apache License 1.1. 
+o The Board recommendation to remove Javadoc author tags has been 
+  implemented. All author tags are now "Apache Software Foundation".  
+Commons Codec Package Version 1.2 Release Notes
+* URLCodec - Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme
+* DigestUtils - Simple utility class that provides static convenience
+  methods for calculating md5 and hex digests.
+* Fix for Bug 19860: Modified Base64 to remedy non-compliance with RFC
+  2045.  Non-Base64 characters were not being discarded during the
+  decode.  RFC 2045 explicitly states that all characters outside of the
+  base64 alphabet are to be ignored.  
+* Fix for Bug 24360: Hex.decode(Object) throws a ClassCastException 
+  when a String argument is passed in.
+* Fix for Bug 24471: Soundex: The HW rule is not applied; hyphens and 
+  apostrophes are not ignored.
+* Fix for Bug 24484: Soundex.setMaxLength causes bugs and is not needed.
+  Calling Soundex.setMaxLength() with a value of 2 or less causes the wrong
+  answer to be returned.  Since the encoding returned by Soundex is always
+  of length 4 by definition (we do not use the '-' in as a letter-nnn 
+  separator) the need for a maxLength attribute is not needed.  Deprecate 
+  the field and accessor methods.
+* Fix in Metaphone relating to the handling of the maximum code length.
+Commons Codec Package Version 1.1 Release Notes
+This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
+Codec package, and highlights changes since the previous version.  Version
+1.1 is the first official release of Codec.  Numerous projects had been 
+depending on Version 1.0-dev while Codec was in the Sandbox, and backwards
+compatibility has been preserved to ease the transition to this official
+* A newer version of the Base64 class reflecting improvements from
+  both the commons-httpclient and xml-rpc versions of code forked
+  from catalina.
+* Base64 class from commons-httpclient in org.apache.commons.codec.base64
+  has been retained for backwards compatibility but has been deprecated
+* Soundex class from commons-util in org.apache.commons.codec
+* Metaphone class from commons-util in org.apache.commons.codec
+* RefinedSoundex class in org.apache.commons.codec
+* Encoder/Decoder interfaces in org.apache.commons
+* String and Binary specific Encoder/Decoder interfaces in 
+  org.apache.commons
+* StringEncoderComparator replaces the SoundexComparator from the
+  language package.
+* Base64 now discards whitespace characters when decoding encoded
+  content.
+Commons Codec Package Version 1.0-dev Release Notes
+* Base64 class from commons-httpclient in org.apache.commons.codec.base64
+* Soundex class from commons-util in org.apache.commons.codec
+* Metaphone class from commons-util in org.apache.commons.codec
+* SoundexComparator class from commons-util in org.apache.commons.codec

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