Author: luc
Date: Tue Nov  1 20:06:08 2011
New Revision: 1196250

Updated UML class diagram and added a few new diagrams.

    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.png   (with 
    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg   (with 
    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-1.png   (with 
    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-1.svg   (with 
    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-2.png   (with 
    commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-2.svg   (with 

Added: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.png
    svn:mime-type = image/png

Added: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg
--- commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg (added)
+++ commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg Tue Nov  
1 20:06:08 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
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AbstractInsnNode, methodDifferentiator : MethodDifferentiator) : InsnList</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath39)" stroke="none">TrackingValue</text>
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+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="412" y="499"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath42)" stroke="none">addConsumer</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath43)" stroke="none">(consumer : 
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath44)" stroke="none">+</text>
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="412" y="516"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath45)" stroke="none">getConsumers</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath46)" stroke="none">() : Set</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath49)" stroke="none">(producer : 
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="399" y="550"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath50)" stroke="none">+</text>
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="412" y="550"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath51)" stroke="none">getProducers</text>
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="499" y="550"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath52)" stroke="none">() : Set</text>
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="399" y="567"
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TrackingValue, value2 : TrackingValue)</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath61)" 
+            <text xml:space="preserve" x="381" y="328"
+                clip-path="url(#clipPath62)" stroke="none">(name : String, 
primitiveDesc : String, derivativeDesc : String)</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath71)" stroke="none">differentiate</text>
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+                clip-path="url(#clipPath72)" stroke="none">(primitiveName : 
String, method : MethodNode)</text>
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237 404" stroke="rgb(105,22,22)"/>
+            <text x="41" y="420" clip-path="url(#clipPath75)"
+                fill="rgb(105,22,22)" stroke="none" 
xml:space="preserve">performs data flow analysis</text>
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+                width="924" height="708" stroke-width="1.1"/>
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Propchange: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg
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Propchange: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-forward.svg
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Added: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-1.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: commons/sandbox/nabla/trunk/src/main/uml/class-diagram-nabla-1.png
    svn:mime-type = image/png

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