Author: oheger
Date: Sat Sep 28 19:43:09 2013
New Revision: 1527241

Updated the user's guide regarding file access.

The section about file systems was renamed to "Access to Files". It now also
covers information about file location strategies.


 Sat Sep 28 19:43:09 2013
@@ -19,113 +19,302 @@
-  <title>File Systems</title>
+  <title>Access to Files</title>
   <author email="">Ralph Goers</author>
-    <section name="File Systems">
+    <section name="Access to Files">
+    <p>
+      When working with file-based configurations application code has multiple
+      ways to specify the location of the file to be loaded (refer to
+      <a href="howto_filebased.html">File-based Configurations</a>). If a URL
+      is provided, the source file to be loaded is defined in a pretty
+      unambiguous way. If relative file names or paths are used, situation is 
+      obvious.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <em>Commons Configuration</em> provides two mechanisms to customize the
+      way configuration files are accessed:
+      <ul>
+        <li>File systems</li>
+        <li>File location strategies</li>
+      </ul>
+      They are described in the remaining part of this document. But before we
+      dive into details, some background information about fundamental classes
+      involved in file access has to be provided.
+    </p>
+      <subsection name="FileHandler and FileLocator">
-        In its default mode of operation Commons Configuration supports 
retrieving and storing
-        configuration files either on a local file system or via http. 
However, Commons
-        Configuration provides support for allowing other File System 
adapters. All file
-        access is accomplished through the <code>FileSystem</code> interface 
so accessing files
-        using other mechanisms is possible.
+        Every builder for a file-based configuration is associated with an
+        object of the <a 
+        <code>FileHandler</code></a> class. A <code>FileHandler</code> combines
+        information about a file (its location plus some meta data like the
+        encoding) with an object that can actually read or write the file. This
+        is typically a configuration object. <code>FileHandler</code> defines
+        methods for setting and querying properties related to the referenced
+        file. For instance, the location can be set in various ways, e.g. as a
+        URL, as a <code></code> object, as a file path, etc. In
+        addition, there are methods for loading and saving the referenced file.
+        These methods evaluate the stored location information and open a 
+        to the underlying file. Then they delegate to the associated
+        configuration object to actually perform the IO operation.
-        Commons Configuration also provides a second FileSystem which allows 
retrieval using
-        <a href="";>Apache Commons VFS</a>. As of 
this writing
-        Commons VFS supports 18 protocols for manipulating files.
+        A <code>FileHandler</code> object is also used under the hood by the
+        parameters object of a file-based configuration builder (see
+        <a 
+        <code>FileBasedBuilderProperties</code></a>). So an
+        application defining the configuration file to be loaded actually
+        populates the properties of a <code>FileHandler</code> instance. The
+        <code>FileHandler</code> also supports properties which influence the
+        way the file is loaded; the already mentioned <code>FileSystem</code>
+        and <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> properties can be set as well.
+        This is also the most straight-forward way of hooking into the
+        mechanism of accessing a configuration file - by passing customized
+        <code>FileHandler</code> or <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> objects
+        to a parameters object for a file-based configuration builder.
-      <subsection name="Configuration">
-        The FileSystem used by Commons Configuration can be set in one of 
several ways:
-        <ol>
-          <li>A system property named 
"org.apache.commons.configuration.filesystem" can be defined
-          with the full class name of the desired <code>FileSystem</code> 
implementation to set the
-          default <code>FileSystem</code>.</li>
-          <li><code>FileSystem.setDefaultFilesystem()</code> can be called to 
directly set the
-          default <code>FileSystem</code> implementation.</li>
-          <li><code>DefaultConfigurationBuilder.setFileSystem()</code> can be 
called to set the
-          FileSystem implementation. <code>DefaultConfiguratonBuilder</code> 
will use this for each
-          configuration it creates</li>
-          <li><code>DefaultConfigurationBuilder</code> can be configured with 
the <code>FileSystem</code>
-          to be used when creating each of the configurations.</li>
-          <li>Each Configuration referenced in 
-          configuration can be configured with the <code>FileSystem</code> to 
use for that
-          configuration.</li>
-          <li>Call setFileSystem() directly on any Configuration that 
implements <code>FileSystemBased.</code>
-          Both <code>AbstractFileConfiguration</code> and 
-          implement <code>FileSystemBased</code></li>
-        </ol>
+        Another important class related to file access is
+        <a 
+        <code>FileLocator</code></a>. An instance stores all information
+        required for resolving a file to be accessed. <code>FileHandler</code>
+        uses a <code>FileLocator</code> instance to maintain this part of
+        file-related information. If you need to customize the access to
+        configuration files, you sometimes have to deal with
+        <code>FileLocator</code> objects because the files to be operated on 
+        described in terms of such objects.
+      </p>
+      </subsection>
+      <subsection name="File Systems">
+      <p>
+        In its default mode of operation <em>Commons Configuration</em> 
supports retrieving and storing
+        configuration files either on a local file system or via http. 
However, <em>Commons
+        Configuration</em> provides support for allowing other File System 
adapters. All file
+        access is accomplished through the <a 
+        <code>FileSystem</code></a> class so accessing files using other 
mechanisms is possible.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        <em>Commons Configuration</em> also provides a second 
<code>FileSystem</code> implementation which allows retrieval using
+        <a href="";>Apache Commons VFS</a>. As of 
this writing
+        Commons VFS supports 18 protocols for manipulating files.
-        The example that follows shows how to add <code>FileSystem</code> 
configuration to
-        <code>DefaultConfigurationBuilder</code>.
+        As was already mentioned in the previous section, the
+        <code>FileSystem</code> used by <em>Commons Configuration</em> can be 
set in
+        the builder's parameter object, together with other properties defining
+        the file to be loaded. When working with
+        <a 
+        <code>CombinedConfigurationBuilder</code></a> it is also possible to
+        define the file system in the configuration definition file to be
+        processed by the builder - in both a global way and for each referenced
+        sub configuration. The following listing shows a configuration 
+        file for a combined builder making use of this functionality. Per
+        default, the <a 
+        <code>VFSFileSystem</code></a> is used, but the included XML
+        configuration is loaded via a
+        <a 
+        <code>DefaultFileSystem</code></a> instance:
-    <result delimiterParsingDisabled="true" forceReloadCheck="true">
-      <expressionEngine 
-    </result>
-    <fileSystem config-class="org.apache.commons.configuration.VFSFileSystem"/>
+    <fileSystem 
     <xml fileName="settings.xml" config-name="xml">
-      <fileSystem 
+      <fileSystem 
+    <!-- Other sources omitted -->
+      <p>
+        Commons VFS allows options to the underlying file systems being used. 
<em>Commons Configuration</em>
+        allows applications to provide these by implementing the
+        <a 
+        <code>FileOptionsProvider</code></a> interface
+        and registering the provider with the <code>FileSystem</code>. 
+        has a single method that must be implemented, 
<code>getOptions()</code>, which returns a Map
+        containing the keys and values that the <code>FileSystem</code> might 
use. The <code>getOptions()</code>
+        method is called as each configuration uses VFS to create a 
<code>FileOjbect</code> to
+        access the file. The map returned does not have to contain the same 
keys and/or values
+        each time it is called. For example, the value of the 
<code>currentUser</code> key can be
+        set to the id of the currently logged in user to allow a WebDAV save 
to record the userid
+        as a file attribute.
+      </p>
-      <subsection name="File Options Provider">
-        <p>
-          Commons VFS allows options to the underlying file systems being 
used. Commons Configuration
-          allows applications to provide these by implementing the 
<code>FileOptionsProvider</code> interface
-          and registering the provider with the <code>FileSystem</code>. 
-          has a single method that must be implemented, 
<code>getOptions</code>, which returns a Map
-          containing the keys and values that the <code>FileSystem</code> 
might use. The getOptions
-          method is called as each configuration uses VFS to create a 
<code>FileOjbect</code> to
-          access the file. The map returned does not have to contain the same 
keys and/or values
-          each time it is called. For example, the value of the 
<code>currentUser</code> key can be
-          set to the id of the currently logged in user to allow a WebDAV save 
to record the userid
-          as a file attribute.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="File Reloading Strategy">
-        <p>
-          The <code><a 
-          can be used to cause Configurations accessed via the 
<code>VFSFileSystem</code> to be
-          monitored and reloaded when the files are modified. The example 
below shows how
-          <code>DefaultConfigurationBuilder</code> can be configured to use
-          <code>VFSFilChangedReloadingStrategy</code>.
-          In the example below both and settings.xml would be 
checked for changes
-          once per minute.
-        </p>
-       <source><![CDATA[
-  <header>
-    <result delimiterParsingDisabled="true" forceReloadCheck="true">
-      <expressionEngine 
-    </result>
-    <fileSystem config-class="org.apache.commons.configuration.VFSFileSystem"/>
-  </header>
-  <override>
-    <properties fileName="" throwExceptionOnMissing="true">
-      <reloadingStrategy refreshDelay="60000"
-    </properties>
-    <xml fileName="settings.xml" config-name="xml">
-      <reloadingStrategy refreshDelay="60000"
-    </xml>
-  </override>
+      <subsection name="File Location Strategies">
+      <p>
+        Before a file can be accessed it has to be located first. In the 1.x
+        versions of <em>Commons Configuration</em>, there was a hard-coded
+        algorithm for looking up configuration files defined by a file name
+        and an optional base path in various places. Starting with version 2.0,
+        it is now possible to adapt this algorithm. The key to this is the
+        <a 
+        <code>FileLocationStrategy</code></a> interface. The interface defines
+        a single method:
+      </p>
+     <source><![CDATA[
+URL locate(FileSystem fileSystem, FileLocator locator);
+      <p>
+        The purpose of this method is to resolve a file described by the passed
+        in <a 
+        <code>FileLocator</code></a> object and return a URL for it. If
+        required, the provided <code>FileSystem</code> can be used. The URL
+        yielded by a successful locate operation is directly used to access
+        the affected file. If the file could not be resolved, a
+        <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> implementation should not throw an
+        exception, but return <b>null</b> instead. This allows multiple
+        strategies to be chained so that different locations can be searched 
+        the file one after the other.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        <em>Commons Configuration</em> ships with a set of standard
+        <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> implementations. They are pretty
+        specialized, meaning that a single implementation focuses on a very
+        specific search algorithm. The true power lies in combining these
+        strategies in a way suitable for an application or use case. The
+        following table describes the available 
+        implementations:
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        <table>
+          <tr>
+            <th>Location Strategy class</th>
+            <th>Description</th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>ProvidedURLLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Directly returns the URL stored in the passed in
+              <code>FileLocator</code>. Unless an application needs some
+              special URL transformation, a file locator's URL - if defined -
+              can typically be used directly to access a file. So it makes
+              sense to use this strategy at the very beginning of your chain
+              of strategies.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>FileSystemLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Passes the base path and the file name stored in the passed in
+              <code>FileLocator</code> to the <code>locateFromURL()</code>
+              method of the current <code>FileSystem</code>. This gives the 
+              system the opportunity to perform a special resolution.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>AbsoluteNameLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Checks whether the file name stored in the passed in
+              <code>FileLocator</code> is actually an absolute path name
+              pointing to an existing file. If this is the case, the URL to
+              this file is returned.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>BasePathLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              This strategy creates a concatenation of the base path and file
+              name stored in the passed in <code>FileLocator</code> (of course,
+              only if both are defined). If this results in a path pointing to
+              an existing file, this file's URL is returned.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>HomeDirectoryLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Searches for the referenced file in the current system user's 
+              directory. It is also possible to specify a different directory
+              in which the strategy should search; the path to the target
+              directory can be passed to the constructor.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>ClasspathLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              Interprets the file name stored in the passed in
+              <code>FileLocator</code> as a resource name and tries to look it
+              up on the current classpath.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td valign="top">
+              <a 
+              <code>CombinedLocationStrategy</code></a>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              This is a kind of meta strategy which allows combining an 
+              number of other <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> objects. At
+              construction time a collection with sub strategies has to be
+              passed in. In its implementation of the <code>locate()</code>
+              method, the strategy iterates over all its sub strategies (in the
+              order they were passed to the constructor) until one returns a
+              non <b>null</b> URL. This URL is returned.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        As an example, consider that an application wants configuration files
+        to be looked up (in this order)
+        <ul>
+          <li>by their URL</li>
+          <li>by the file system (which will evaluate base path and file 
+          <li>on the classpath</li>
+        </ul>
+        Then a concrete location strategy could be constructed as follows:
+      </p>
+     <source><![CDATA[
+List<FileLocationStrategy> subs = Arrays.asList(
+  new ProvidedURLLocationStrategy(),
+  new FileSystemLocationStrategy(),
+  new ClasspathLocationStrategy());
+FileLocationStrategy strategy = new CombinedLocationStrategy(subs);
+      <p>
+        This strategy can now be passed to a file-based configuration builder.
+        If no strategy is passed to a builder, a default one is used. This
+        default strategy is almost identical to the hard-coded search algorithm
+        that was used in earlier versions of <em>Commons Configuration</em>.
+        In fact, the pre-defined basic <code>FileLocationStrategy</code>
+        implementations were extracted from this algorithm.
+      </p>
+      <p>
+        Because the <code>FileLocationStrategy</code> interface is very simple
+        it should be easy to create a custom implementation. The specific
+        search algorithm just has to be coded into the <code>locate()</code>
+        method. Then this custom strategy implementation can be combined with
+        other standard strategies by making use of a
+        <code>CombinedLocationStrategy</code>.
+      </p>

--- commons/proper/configuration/trunk/src/site/xdoc/userguide/user_guide.xml 
+++ commons/proper/configuration/trunk/src/site/xdoc/userguide/user_guide.xml 
Sat Sep 28 19:43:09 2013
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@
href="howto_utilities.html#Interpolation_of_all_variables">Interpolation of all 
href="howto_utilities.html#Handling_of_runtime_exceptions">Handling of runtime 
-      <li><a href="howto_filesystems.html#File_Systems">File Systems</a></li>
+      <li><a href="howto_filesystems.html">Access to Files</a></li>
-        <li><a 
-        <li><a 
href="howto_filesystems.html#File_Systems#File_Options_Provider">File Options 
-        <li><a 
Reloading Strategy</a></li>
+        <li><a 
 and FileLocator</a></li>
+        <li><a href="howto_filesystems.html#File_Systems#File_Systems">File 
+        <li><a 
Location Strategies</a></li>
       <li><a href="howto_concurrency.html">Configurations and Concurrent 

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