Allow for a fourth release since components like Apache Commons Pool now
track from Java 5, 6, and 7. Java 8 is around the corner I am sure.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: f0acb5dde3ec223d9a0f27f641144f74cb48236a
Parents: 85d80bd
Author: Gary Gregory <>
Authored: Sat Dec 16 10:34:30 2017 -0700
Committer: Gary Gregory <>
Committed: Sat Dec 16 10:34:30 2017 -0700

 src/main/scripts/ | 892 +++++++++++++------------
 src/main/scripts/generate-xdocs.mojos.xml | 850 ++++++++++++-----------
 src/site/xdoc/download-page-mojo.xml      | 529 ++++++++-------
 src/site/xdoc/download-page.xml           | 287 ++++----
 4 files changed, 1338 insertions(+), 1220 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/main/scripts/ 
index 54622f5..772dd76 100644
--- a/src/main/scripts/
+++ b/src/main/scripts/
@@ -1,428 +1,464 @@
-    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    limitations under the License.
-   Commons Build: Standard XDOC Pages Generation.
-   $HeadURL$
-   $Revision$ $Date$
- -->
-<project name="Commons Build: Standard XDOC Pages Generation" basedir=".">
-    <property name="commonsMojoId"      value="Commons:xdoc-generate" />
-    <property name="commonsMojoXdocDir" 
value="resources/commons-xdoc-templates" />
-    <property name="commonsMojoTempDir" value="target/commons-generated-xdocs" 
-    <property name="level"              value="info" />
-    <!-- ========== Generate Mailing List Page 
================================ -->
-    <target name="mail-page" description="Generate Mailing List page">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:mailing-list - 
Parameters - START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="         : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid  : 
${commons.componentid}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.xdoc.dir     : 
${commons.xdoc.dir}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:mailing-list - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Mailing 
List Page ***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
-        <loadresource property="mailinglists-xml">
-            <javaresource 
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${mailinglists-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists-template.xml" append="false" />
-        <!-- Copy the mail-lists template filtering to replace properties -->
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists.xml" overwrite="true">
-            <filterset>
-            <filter  token="NAME"         value="${}"/>
-            <filter  token="ID"           value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
-        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
-            <param name="" value="mail-lists.xml"/>
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ========== Generate Issue Tracking Page 
============================== -->
-    <target name="jira-page" description="Generate JIRA Issue Tracking page">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:jira-page - Parameters - 
START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="         : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.xdoc.dir     : 
${commons.xdoc.dir}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="      : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="     : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:jira-page - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Issue 
Tracking Page ***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
-        <loadresource property="issuetracking-xml">
-            <javaresource 
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${issuetracking-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking-template.xml" append="false" />
-        <!-- Copy the issue-tracking template filtering to replace properties 
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking.xml" overwrite="true">
-            <filterset>
-            <filter  token="NAME"         value="${}"/>
-            <filter  token="JIRA_ID"      value="${}"/>
-            <filter  token="JIRA_PID"     value="${}"/>
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
-        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
-            <param name="" value="issue-tracking.xml"/>
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ========== Generate Sandbox Issue Tracking Page 
====================== -->
-    <target name="sandbox-jira-page" description="Generate Sandbox JIRA Issue 
Tracking page">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:sandbox-jira-page - 
Parameters - START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="            : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.jira.componentid: 
${commons.jira.componentid}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:sandbox-jira-page - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Sandbox 
Issue Tracking Page ***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
-        <loadresource property="sandbox-issuetracking-xml">
-            <javaresource 
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${sandbox-issuetracking-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/sandbox-issue-tracking-template.xml" append="false" 
-        <!-- Copy the issue-tracking template filtering to replace properties 
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/sandbox-issue-tracking-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking.xml" overwrite="true">
-            <filterset>
-            <filter  token="NAME"             value="${}"/>
-            <filter  token="JIRA_COMPONENTID" 
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
-        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
-            <param name="" value="issue-tracking.xml"/>
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ========== Generate Download Page 
==================================== -->
-    <target name="download-page" description="Generate Download page">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:download-page - 
Parameters - START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="             : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid      : 
${commons.componentid}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.version  : 
${commons.release.version}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="     : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.desc     : 
${commons.release.desc}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.binary.suffix    : 
${commons.binary.suffix}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.subdir   : 
${commons.release.subdir}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.version: 
${commons.release.2.version}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="   : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.desc   : 
${commons.release.2.desc}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.binary.suffix: 
${commons.release.2.binary.suffix}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.subdir : 
${commons.release.2.subdir}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.version: 
${commons.release.3.version}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="   : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.desc   : 
${commons.release.3.desc}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.binary.suffix: 
${commons.release.3.binary.suffix}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.subdir : 
${commons.release.3.subdir}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:download-page - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} 
${commons.release.version} Download Page ***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the dowload-page template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
-        <antcall target="load-no-download-page-template"/>
-        <antcall target="load-download-page-head"/>
-        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-1"/>
-        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-2"/>
-        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-3"/>
-        <antcall target="load-download-page-foot"/>
-        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
-        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
-            <param name="" 
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-download-page-head" if="commons.release.version">
-        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page header file 
***" />
-        <!-- Load header -->
-        <loadresource property="download-page-head-xml">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-head.xml"/>
-            <filterchain>
-                <replacetokens>
-                    <token key="NAME" value="${}"/>
-                </replacetokens>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${download-page-head-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="false" 
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-download-page-body-1" if="commons.release.version">
-        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(1) 
file***" />
-        <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.subdir}" 
-          <isset property="commons.release.subdir"/>
-        </condition>
-        <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.subdir}" 
-          <isset property="commons.release.subdir"/>
-        </condition>
-        <!-- Load Body -->
-        <loadresource property="download-page-body-1-xml">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
-            <filterchain>
-                <replacetokens>
-                    <token key="VERSION"       
-                    <token key="RELDESC"       
-                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
-                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
-                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
-                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
-                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
-                </replacetokens>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${download-page-body-1-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-download-page-body-2" if="commons.release.2.version">
-      <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(2) file***" 
-      <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.2.subdir}" 
-        <isset property="commons.release.2.subdir"/>
-      </condition>
-      <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.2.subdir}" 
-        <isset property="commons.release.2.subdir"/>
-      </condition>
-        <!-- Load Body -->
-        <loadresource property="download-page-body-2-xml">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
-            <filterchain>
-                <replacetokens>
-                    <token key="VERSION"       
-                    <token key="RELDESC"       
-                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
-                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
-                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
-                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
-                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
-                </replacetokens>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${download-page-body-2-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-download-page-body-3" if="commons.release.3.version">
-      <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(3) file***" 
-      <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.3.subdir}" 
-        <isset property="commons.release.3.subdir"/>
-      </condition>
-      <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.3.subdir}" 
-        <isset property="commons.release.3.subdir"/>
-      </condition>
-        <!-- Load Body -->
-        <loadresource property="download-page-body-3-xml">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
-            <filterchain>
-                <replacetokens>
-                    <token key="VERSION"       
-                    <token key="RELDESC"       
-                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
-                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
-                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
-                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
-                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
-                </replacetokens>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${download-page-body-3-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-download-page-foot" if="commons.release.version">
-        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page footer files 
***" />
-        <!-- Load Footer -->
-        <loadresource property="download-page-foot-xml">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-foot.xml"/>
-            <filterchain>
-                <replacetokens>
-                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-                </replacetokens>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${download-page-foot-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
-    </target>
-    <target name="load-no-download-page-template" 
-        <echo  level="info" message="*** copying no-download-page-template.xml 
***" />
-        <loadresource property="no-downloadpage-xml">
-            <javaresource 
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${no-downloadpage-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download-page-template.xml" append="false" />
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
-        <available file="xdocs"         type="dir" 
-        <available file="src/site/xdoc" type="dir" 
-        <antcall target="copy-to-m1-xdoc-dir"/>
-        <antcall target="copy-to-m2-xdoc-dir"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-to-m1-xdoc-dir" if="m1.xdocs.lib.present">
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Copying ${} to m1 xdocs dir 
***" />
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/${}" 
tofile="xdocs/${}" overwrite="true" filtering="true"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="copy-to-m2-xdoc-dir" if="m2.xdocs.lib.present">
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Copying ${} to m2 
src/site/xdoc dir ***" />
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/${}" 
tofile="src/site/xdoc/${}" overwrite="true" filtering="true"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ========== Generate file ================================ 
-    <target name="readme-md" description="Generate">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="              : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="project.artifactId        : 
${project.artifactId}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="project.groupId           : 
${project.groupId}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="           : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.version   : 
${commons.release.version}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid       : 
${commons.componentid}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} 
***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the readme-md template from mojo resources to temp directory 
-        <loadresource property="readme-md">
-            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/"/>
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${readme-md}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" append="false" />
-        <!-- Without using ant-contrib: remove "-project" for multi-module 
artifacts -->
-        <loadresource property="tmp.artifactId">
-            <propertyresource name="project.artifactId" />
-            <filterchain>
-                <tokenfilter>
-                    <filetokenizer/>
-                    <replacestring from="-project" to=""/>
-                </tokenfilter>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <!-- Copy the readme-md template filtering to replace properties -->
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" 
tofile="" overwrite="true">
-            <filterset>
-             <filter  token="NAME"           value="${}"/>
-             <filter  token="ARTIFACTID"     value="${project.artifactId}"/>
-             <filter  token="ARTIFACTCOREID" value="${tmp.artifactId}"/>
-             <filter  token="GROUPID"        value="${project.groupId}"/>
-             <filter  token="JIRA_ID"        value="${}"/>
-             <filter  token="VERSION"        
-             <filter  token="DESCRIPTION"    value="${project.description}"/>
-             <filter  token="ID"             value="${commons.componentid}"/>
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <!-- ========== Generate file 
================================ -->
-    <target name="contributing-md" description="Generate">
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
START -----" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="              : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="project.artifactId        : 
${project.artifactId}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="           : 
${}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid       : 
${commons.componentid}" />
-        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
-        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} ***" />
-        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
-        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
-        <!-- Load the contributing-md template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
-        <loadresource property="contributing-md">
-           <javaresource 
-        </loadresource>
-        <echo message="${contributing-md}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" append="false" />
-        <!-- Without using ant-contrib: remove "-project" for multi-module 
artifacts -->
-        <loadresource property="tmp.artifactId">
-            <propertyresource name="project.artifactId" />
-            <filterchain>
-                <tokenfilter>
-                    <filetokenizer/>
-                    <replacestring from="-project" to=""/>
-                </tokenfilter>
-            </filterchain>
-        </loadresource>
-        <!-- Copy the mail-lists template filtering to replace properties -->
-        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" 
tofile="" overwrite="true">
-            <filterset>
-                <filter  token="NAME"            value="${}"/>
-                <filter  token="ARTIFACTID"      
-                <filter  token="ARTIFACTCOREID"  value="${tmp.artifactId}"/>
-                <filter  token="JIRA_ID"         value="${}"/>
-                <filter  token="ID"              
-            </filterset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+   Commons Build: Standard XDOC Pages Generation.
+   $HeadURL$
+   $Revision$ $Date$
+ -->
+<project name="Commons Build: Standard XDOC Pages Generation" basedir=".">
+    <property name="commonsMojoId"      value="Commons:xdoc-generate" />
+    <property name="commonsMojoXdocDir" 
value="resources/commons-xdoc-templates" />
+    <property name="commonsMojoTempDir" value="target/commons-generated-xdocs" 
+    <property name="level"              value="info" />
+    <!-- ========== Generate Mailing List Page 
================================ -->
+    <target name="mail-page" description="Generate Mailing List page">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:mailing-list - 
Parameters - START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="         : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid  : 
${commons.componentid}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.xdoc.dir     : 
${commons.xdoc.dir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:mailing-list - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Mailing 
List Page ***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
+        <loadresource property="mailinglists-xml">
+            <javaresource 
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${mailinglists-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists-template.xml" append="false" />
+        <!-- Copy the mail-lists template filtering to replace properties -->
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/mail-lists.xml" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset>
+            <filter  token="NAME"         value="${}"/>
+            <filter  token="ID"           value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
+        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
+            <param name="" value="mail-lists.xml"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ========== Generate Issue Tracking Page 
============================== -->
+    <target name="jira-page" description="Generate JIRA Issue Tracking page">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:jira-page - Parameters - 
START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="         : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.xdoc.dir     : 
${commons.xdoc.dir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="      : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="     : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:jira-page - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Issue 
Tracking Page ***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
+        <loadresource property="issuetracking-xml">
+            <javaresource 
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${issuetracking-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking-template.xml" append="false" />
+        <!-- Copy the issue-tracking template filtering to replace properties 
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking.xml" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset>
+            <filter  token="NAME"         value="${}"/>
+            <filter  token="JIRA_ID"      value="${}"/>
+            <filter  token="JIRA_PID"     value="${}"/>
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
+        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
+            <param name="" value="issue-tracking.xml"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ========== Generate Sandbox Issue Tracking Page 
====================== -->
+    <target name="sandbox-jira-page" description="Generate Sandbox JIRA Issue 
Tracking page">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:sandbox-jira-page - 
Parameters - START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="            : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.jira.componentid: 
${commons.jira.componentid}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:sandbox-jira-page - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} Sandbox 
Issue Tracking Page ***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the issue-tracking template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
+        <loadresource property="sandbox-issuetracking-xml">
+            <javaresource 
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${sandbox-issuetracking-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/sandbox-issue-tracking-template.xml" append="false" 
+        <!-- Copy the issue-tracking template filtering to replace properties 
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/sandbox-issue-tracking-template.xml" 
tofile="${commonsMojoTempDir}/issue-tracking.xml" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset>
+            <filter  token="NAME"             value="${}"/>
+            <filter  token="JIRA_COMPONENTID" 
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
+        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
+            <param name="" value="issue-tracking.xml"/>
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ========== Generate Download Page 
==================================== -->
+    <target name="download-page" description="Generate Download page">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:download-page - 
Parameters - START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="             : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid      : 
${commons.componentid}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.version  : 
${commons.release.version}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="     : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.desc     : 
${commons.release.desc}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.binary.suffix    : 
${commons.binary.suffix}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.subdir   : 
${commons.release.subdir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.version: 
${commons.release.2.version}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="   : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.desc   : 
${commons.release.2.desc}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.binary.suffix: 
${commons.release.2.binary.suffix}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.2.subdir : 
${commons.release.2.subdir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.version: 
${commons.release.3.version}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="   : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.desc   : 
${commons.release.3.desc}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.binary.suffix: 
${commons.release.3.binary.suffix}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.3.subdir : 
${commons.release.3.subdir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.4.version: 
${commons.release.4.version}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="   : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.4.desc   : 
${commons.release.4.desc}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.4.binary.suffix: 
${commons.release.4.binary.suffix}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.4.subdir : 
${commons.release.4.subdir}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:download-page - 
Parameters - END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} 
${commons.release.version} Download Page ***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the dowload-page template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
+        <antcall target="load-no-download-page-template"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-head"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-1"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-2"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-3"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-body-4"/>
+        <antcall target="load-download-page-foot"/>
+        <!-- copy to either m1 or m2 xdoc directory -->
+        <antcall target="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
+            <param name="" 
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-head" if="commons.release.version">
+        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page header file 
***" />
+        <!-- Load header -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-head-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-head.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="NAME" value="${}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-head-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="false" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-body-1" if="commons.release.version">
+        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(1) 
file***" />
+        <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.subdir}" 
+          <isset property="commons.release.subdir"/>
+        </condition>
+        <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.subdir}" 
+          <isset property="commons.release.subdir"/>
+        </condition>
+        <!-- Load Body -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-body-1-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="VERSION"       
+                    <token key="RELDESC"       
+                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
+                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
+                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
+                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
+                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-body-1-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-body-2" if="commons.release.2.version">
+      <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(2) file***" 
+      <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.2.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.2.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+      <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.2.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.2.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+        <!-- Load Body -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-body-2-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="VERSION"       
+                    <token key="RELDESC"       
+                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
+                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
+                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
+                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
+                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-body-2-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-body-3" if="commons.release.3.version">
+      <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(3) file***" 
+      <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.3.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.3.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+      <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.3.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.3.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+        <!-- Load Body -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-body-3-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="VERSION"       
+                    <token key="RELDESC"       
+                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
+                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
+                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
+                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
+                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-body-3-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-body-4" if="commons.release.4.version">
+      <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page body(4) file***" 
+      <condition property="BINDIR" value="${commons.release.4.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.4.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+      <condition property="SRCDIR" value="${commons.release.4.subdir}" 
+        <isset property="commons.release.4.subdir"/>
+      </condition>
+        <!-- Load Body -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-body-4-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-body.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="VERSION"       
+                    <token key="RELDESC"       
+                    <token key="NAME"          value="${}"/>
+                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+                    <token key="FINAL_NAME"    
+                    <token key="BINARY-SUFFIX" 
+                    <token key="BINDIR"        value="${BINDIR}"/>
+                    <token key="SRCDIR"        value="${SRCDIR}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-body-4-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-download-page-foot" if="commons.release.version">
+        <echo  level="info" message="*** loading download-page footer files 
***" />
+        <!-- Load Footer -->
+        <loadresource property="download-page-foot-xml">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/download-page-foot.xml"/>
+            <filterchain>
+                <replacetokens>
+                    <token key="ID"            value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+                </replacetokens>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${download-page-foot-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download_${commons.componentid}.xml" append="true" 
+    </target>
+    <target name="load-no-download-page-template" 
+        <echo  level="info" message="*** copying no-download-page-template.xml 
***" />
+        <loadresource property="no-downloadpage-xml">
+            <javaresource 
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${no-downloadpage-xml}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/download-page-template.xml" append="false" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="copy-to-xdoc-dir">
+        <available file="xdocs"         type="dir" 
+        <available file="src/site/xdoc" type="dir" 
+        <antcall target="copy-to-m1-xdoc-dir"/>
+        <antcall target="copy-to-m2-xdoc-dir"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="copy-to-m1-xdoc-dir" if="m1.xdocs.lib.present">
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Copying ${} to m1 xdocs dir 
***" />
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/${}" 
tofile="xdocs/${}" overwrite="true" filtering="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="copy-to-m2-xdoc-dir" if="m2.xdocs.lib.present">
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Copying ${} to m2 
src/site/xdoc dir ***" />
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/${}" 
tofile="src/site/xdoc/${}" overwrite="true" filtering="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ========== Generate file ================================ 
+    <target name="readme-md" description="Generate">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="              : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="project.artifactId        : 
${project.artifactId}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="project.groupId           : 
${project.groupId}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="           : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.release.version   : 
${commons.release.version}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid       : 
${commons.componentid}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} 
***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the readme-md template from mojo resources to temp directory 
+        <loadresource property="readme-md">
+            <javaresource name="${commonsMojoXdocDir}/"/>
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${readme-md}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" append="false" />
+        <!-- Without using ant-contrib: remove "-project" for multi-module 
artifacts -->
+        <loadresource property="tmp.artifactId">
+            <propertyresource name="project.artifactId" />
+            <filterchain>
+                <tokenfilter>
+                    <filetokenizer/>
+                    <replacestring from="-project" to=""/>
+                </tokenfilter>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <!-- Copy the readme-md template filtering to replace properties -->
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" 
tofile="" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset>
+             <filter  token="NAME"           value="${}"/>
+             <filter  token="ARTIFACTID"     value="${project.artifactId}"/>
+             <filter  token="ARTIFACTCOREID" value="${tmp.artifactId}"/>
+             <filter  token="GROUPID"        value="${project.groupId}"/>
+             <filter  token="JIRA_ID"        value="${}"/>
+             <filter  token="VERSION"        
+             <filter  token="DESCRIPTION"    value="${project.description}"/>
+             <filter  token="ID"             value="${commons.componentid}"/>
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ========== Generate file 
================================ -->
+    <target name="contributing-md" description="Generate">
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
START -----" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="              : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="project.artifactId        : 
${project.artifactId}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="           : 
${}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="commons.componentid       : 
${commons.componentid}" />
+        <echo level="${level}" message="----- commons:readme-md - Parameters - 
END   -----" />
+        <echo level="info" message="*** Generating ${} ***" />
+        <!-- Create a temporary directory to load the template files into -->
+        <mkdir dir="${commonsMojoTempDir}"/>
+        <!-- Load the contributing-md template from mojo resources to temp 
directory -->
+        <loadresource property="contributing-md">
+           <javaresource 
+        </loadresource>
+        <echo message="${contributing-md}" 
file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" append="false" />
+        <!-- Without using ant-contrib: remove "-project" for multi-module 
artifacts -->
+        <loadresource property="tmp.artifactId">
+            <propertyresource name="project.artifactId" />
+            <filterchain>
+                <tokenfilter>
+                    <filetokenizer/>
+                    <replacestring from="-project" to=""/>
+                </tokenfilter>
+            </filterchain>
+        </loadresource>
+        <!-- Copy the mail-lists template filtering to replace properties -->
+        <copy file="${commonsMojoTempDir}/" 
tofile="" overwrite="true">
+            <filterset>
+                <filter  token="NAME"            value="${}"/>
+                <filter  token="ARTIFACTID"      
+                <filter  token="ARTIFACTCOREID"  value="${tmp.artifactId}"/>
+                <filter  token="JIRA_ID"         value="${}"/>
+                <filter  token="ID"              
+            </filterset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>

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