 Sat Mar  9 13:32:27 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD 
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id="breadcrumb"><span class="info"><a href="../jacoco-sessions.html" 
class="el_session">Sessions</a></span><a href="../index.html" 
class="el_report">Apache Commons Release Plugin</a> &gt; <a 
href="index.source.html" class="el_package">org.apache.commons.release.plug
 in.mojos</a> &gt; <span 
 class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.release.plugin.mojos;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.release.plugin.SharedFunctions;
+import org.apache.commons.release.plugin.velocity.HeaderHtmlVelocityDelegate;
+import org.apache.commons.release.plugin.velocity.ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
+import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.add.AddScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkout.CheckOutScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.BasicScmManager;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvider;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.svnexe.SvnExeScmProvider;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
+import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
+import org.apache.maven.settings.crypto.SettingsDecrypter;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+ * This class checks out the dev distribution location, copies the 
distributions into that directory
+ * structure under the 
&lt;code&gt;target/commons-release-plugin/scm&lt;/code&gt; directory. Then 
commits the
+ * distributions back up to SVN. Also, we include the built and zipped site as 
well as the RELEASE-NOTES.txt.
+ *
+ * @author chtompki
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+@Mojo(name = &quot;stage-distributions&quot;,
+        defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.DEPLOY,
+        threadSafe = true,
+        aggregator = true)
+<span class="fc" id="L68">public class CommonsDistributionStagingMojo extends 
AbstractMojo {</span>
+    /** The name of file generated from the README.vm velocity template to be 
checked into the dist svn repo. */
+    private static final String README_FILE_NAME = &quot;README.html&quot;;
+    /** The name of file generated from the HEADER.vm velocity template to be 
checked into the dist svn repo. */
+    private static final String HEADER_FILE_NAME = &quot;HEADER.html&quot;;
+    /**
+     * The {@link MavenProject} object is essentially the context of the maven 
build at
+     * a given time.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${project}&quot;, required = true)
+    private MavenProject project;
+    /**
+     * The {@link File} that contains a file to the root directory of the 
working project. Typically
+     * this directory is where the &lt;code&gt;pom.xml&lt;/code&gt; resides.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${basedir}&quot;)
+    private File baseDir;
+    /** The location to which the site gets built during running 
&lt;code&gt;mvn site&lt;/code&gt;. */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${}/site&quot;, 
property = &quot;commons.siteOutputDirectory&quot;)
+    private File siteDirectory;
+    /**
+     * The main working directory for the plugin, namely 
&lt;code&gt;target/commons-release-plugin&lt;/code&gt;, but
+     * that assumes that we're using the default maven 
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = 
&quot;${}/commons-release-plugin&quot;, property = 
+    private File workingDirectory;
+    /**
+     * The location to which to checkout the dist subversion repository under 
our working directory, which
+     * was given above.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = 
+            property = &quot;commons.distCheckoutDirectory&quot;)
+    private File distCheckoutDirectory;
+    /**
+     * The location of the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file such that multi-module 
builds can configure it.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${basedir}/RELEASE-NOTES.txt&quot;, 
property = &quot;commons.releaseNotesLocation&quot;)
+    private File releaseNotesFile;
+    /**
+     * A boolean that determines whether or not we actually commit the files 
up to the subversion repository.
+     * If this is set to &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt;, we do all but make the 
commits. We do checkout the repository in question
+     * though.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.release.dryRun&quot;, defaultValue = 
+    private Boolean dryRun;
+    /**
+     * The url of the subversion repository to which we wish the artifacts to 
be staged. Typically this would need to
+     * be of the form: 
 Note. that
+     * the prefix to the substring &lt;code&gt;https&lt;/code&gt; is a 
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;&quot;, property = 
+    private String distSvnStagingUrl;
+    /**
+     * A parameter to generally avoid running unless it is specifically turned 
on by the consuming module.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;false&quot;, property = 
+    private Boolean isDistModule;
+    /**
+     * The release version of the artifact to be built.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.release.version&quot;)
+    private String commonsReleaseVersion;
+    /**
+     * The RC version of the release. For example the first voted on candidate 
would be &quot;RC1&quot;.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.rc.version&quot;)
+    private String commonsRcVersion;
+    /**
+     * The ID of the server (specified in settings.xml) which should be used 
for dist authentication.
+     * This will be used in preference to {@link #username}/{@link #password}.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.distServer&quot;)
+    private String distServer;
+    /**
+     * The username for the distribution subversion repository. This is 
typically your Apache id.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;;)
+    private String username;
+    /**
+     * The password associated with {@link 
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;user.password&quot;)
+    private String password;
+    /**
+     * Maven {@link Settings}.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${settings}&quot;, readonly = true, 
required = true)
+    private Settings settings;
+    /**
+     * Maven {@link SettingsDecrypter} component.
+     */
+    @Component
+    private SettingsDecrypter settingsDecrypter;
+    /**
+     * A subdirectory of the dist directory into which we are going to stage 
the release candidate. We
+     * build this up in the {@link CommonsDistributionStagingMojo#execute()} 
method. And, for example,
+     * the directory should look like 
+     */
+    private File distVersionRcVersionDirectory;
+    @Override
+    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L188" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(!isDistModule) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L189">            getLog().info(&quot;This module is 
marked as a non distribution &quot;</span>
+                    + &quot;or assembly module, and the plugin will not 
+<span class="fc" id="L191">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L193" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(StringUtils.isEmpty(distSvnStagingUrl)) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L194">            
getLog().warn(&quot;commons.distSvnStagingUrl is not set, the 
commons-release-plugin will not run.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L195">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L197" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(!workingDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L198">            getLog().info(&quot;Current project 
contains no distributions. Not executing.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L199">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L201">        getLog().info(&quot;Preparing to stage 
+        try {
+<span class="fc" id="L203">            ScmManager scmManager = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L204">            
scmManager.setScmProvider(&quot;svn&quot;, new SvnExeScmProvider());</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L205">            ScmRepository repository = 
+<span class="fc" id="L206">            ScmProvider provider = 
+<span class="fc" id="L207">            SvnScmProviderRepository 
providerRepository = (SvnScmProviderRepository) 
+<span class="fc" id="L208">            
+                    providerRepository,
+                    distServer,
+                    settings,
+                    settingsDecrypter,
+                    username,
+                    password
+            );
+<span class="fc" id="L216">            distVersionRcVersionDirectory =</span>
+                    new File(distCheckoutDirectory, commonsReleaseVersion + 
&quot;-&quot; + commonsRcVersion);
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L218" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(!distCheckoutDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L219">                
SharedFunctions.initDirectory(getLog(), distCheckoutDirectory);</span>
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L221">            ScmFileSet scmFileSet = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L222">            getLog().info(&quot;Checking out dist 
from: &quot; + distSvnStagingUrl);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L223">            final CheckOutScmResult checkOutResult 
= provider.checkOut(repository, scmFileSet);</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L224" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(!checkOutResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L225">                throw new 
MojoExecutionException(&quot;Failed to checkout files from SCM: &quot;</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L226">                        + 
checkOutResult.getProviderMessage() + &quot; [&quot; + 
checkOutResult.getCommandOutput() + &quot;]&quot;);</span>
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L228">            File copiedReleaseNotes = 
+<span class="fc" id="L229">            
+                    provider, repository);
+<span class="fc" id="L231">            List&lt;File&gt; filesToAdd = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L232">            
listNotHiddenFilesAndDirectories(distCheckoutDirectory, filesToAdd);</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L233" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(!dryRun) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L234">                ScmFileSet fileSet = new 
ScmFileSet(distCheckoutDirectory, filesToAdd);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L235">                AddScmResult addResult = 
+                        repository,
+                        fileSet
+                );
+<span class="nc bnc" id="L239" title="All 2 branches missed.">                
if (!addResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L240">                    throw new 
MojoExecutionException(&quot;Failed to add files to SCM: &quot; + 
+<span class="nc" id="L241">                            + &quot; [&quot; + 
addResult.getCommandOutput() + &quot;]&quot;);</span>
+                }
+<span class="nc" id="L243">                getLog().info(&quot;Staging 
release: &quot; + project.getArtifactId() + &quot;, version: &quot; + 
+<span class="nc" id="L244">                CheckInScmResult checkInResult = 
+                        repository,
+                        fileSet,
+<span class="nc" id="L247">                        &quot;Staging release: 
&quot; + project.getArtifactId() + &quot;, version: &quot; + 
+                );
+<span class="nc bnc" id="L249" title="All 2 branches missed.">                
if (!checkInResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L250">                    getLog().error(&quot;Committing 
dist files failed: &quot; + checkInResult.getCommandOutput());</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L251">                    throw new 
+<span class="nc" id="L252">                            &quot;Committing dist 
files failed: &quot; + checkInResult.getCommandOutput()</span>
+                    );
+                }
+<span class="nc" id="L255">                getLog().info(&quot;Committed 
revision &quot; + checkInResult.getScmRevision());</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L256">            } else {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L257">                getLog().info(&quot;[Dry run] Would 
have committed to: &quot; + distSvnStagingUrl);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L258">                getLog().info(</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L259">                        &quot;[Dry run] Staging 
release: &quot; + project.getArtifactId() + &quot;, version: &quot; + 
+            }
+<span class="nc" id="L261">        } catch (ScmException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L262">            getLog().error(&quot;Could not commit 
files to dist: &quot; + distSvnStagingUrl, e);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L263">            throw new 
MojoExecutionException(&quot;Could not commit files to dist: &quot; + 
distSvnStagingUrl, e);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L264">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L265">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * Lists all directories and files to a flat list.
+     * @param directory {@link File} containing directory to list
+     * @param files a {@link List} of {@link File} to which to append the 
+     */
+    private void listNotHiddenFilesAndDirectories(File directory, 
List&lt;File&gt; files) {
+        // Get all the files and directories from a directory.
+<span class="fc" id="L274">        File[] fList = directory.listFiles();</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L275" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(File file : fList) {</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L276" title="1 of 4 branches missed.">            if 
(file.isFile() &amp;&amp; !file.isHidden()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L277">                files.add(file);</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L278" title="1 of 4 branches missed.">            } 
else if (file.isDirectory() &amp;&amp; !file.isHidden()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L279">                files.add(file);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L280">                
listNotHiddenFilesAndDirectories(file, files);</span>
+            }
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L283">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * A utility method that takes the 
&lt;code&gt;RELEASE-NOTES.txt&lt;/code&gt; file from the base directory of the
+     * project and copies it into {@link 
+     *
+     * @return the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file that exists in the 
+     *         directory for the purpose of adding it to the scm change set in 
the method
+     *         {@link 
+     *         ScmProvider, ScmRepository)}.
+     * @throws MojoExecutionException if an {@link IOException} occurs as a 
wrapper so that maven
+     *                                can properly handle the exception.
+     */
+    private File copyReleaseNotesToWorkingDirectory() throws 
MojoExecutionException {
+<span class="fc" id="L297">        SharedFunctions.initDirectory(getLog(), 
+<span class="fc" id="L298">        getLog().info(&quot;Copying 
RELEASE-NOTES.txt to working directory.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L299">        File copiedReleaseNotes = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, releaseNotesFile.getName());</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L300">        SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
releaseNotesFile, copiedReleaseNotes);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L301">        return copiedReleaseNotes;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copies the list of files at the root of the {@link 
CommonsDistributionStagingMojo#workingDirectory} into
+     * the directory structure of the distribution staging repository. 
+     * &lt;ul&gt;
+     *   &lt;li&gt;root:
+     *     &lt;ul&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;site&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;RELEASE-NOTES.txt&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;source:
+     *           &lt;ul&gt;
+     *             &lt;li&gt;-src artifacts....&lt;/li&gt;
+     *           &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *         &lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;binaries:
+     *           &lt;ul&gt;
+     *             &lt;li&gt;-bin artifacts....&lt;/li&gt;
+     *           &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *         &lt;/li&gt;
+     *     &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *   &lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *
+     * @param copiedReleaseNotes is the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file that exists in 
+     *                           
&lt;code&gt;target/commons-release-plugin/scm&lt;/code&gt; directory.
+     * @param provider is the {@link ScmProvider} that we will use for adding 
the files we wish to commit.
+     * @param repository is the {@link ScmRepository} that we will use for 
adding the files that we wish to commit.
+     * @return a {@link List} of {@link File}'s in the directory for the 
purpose of adding them to the maven
+     *         {@link ScmFileSet}.
+     * @throws MojoExecutionException if an {@link IOException} occurs so that 
Maven can handle it properly.
+     */
+    private List&lt;File&gt; 
copyDistributionsIntoScmDirectoryStructureAndAddToSvn(File copiedReleaseNotes,
ScmProvider provider,
ScmRepository repository)
+            throws MojoExecutionException {
+<span class="fc" id="L339">        List&lt;File&gt; workingDirectoryFiles = 
+<span class="fc" id="L340">        List&lt;File&gt; filesForMavenScmFileSet = 
new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L341">        File scmBinariesRoot = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, &quot;binaries&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L342">        File scmSourceRoot = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, &quot;source&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L343">        SharedFunctions.initDirectory(getLog(), 
+<span class="fc" id="L344">        SharedFunctions.initDirectory(getLog(), 
+        File copy;
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L346" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(File file : workingDirectoryFiles) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L347" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(file.getName().contains(&quot;src&quot;)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L348">                copy = new File(scmSourceRoot,  
+<span class="fc" id="L349">                SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
file, copy);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L350">                
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L351" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (file.getName().contains(&quot;bin&quot;)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L352">                copy = new File(scmBinariesRoot,  
+<span class="fc" id="L353">                SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
file, copy);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L354">                
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L355" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            } 
else if (StringUtils.containsAny(file.getName(), &quot;scm&quot;, 
&quot;;, &quot;;)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L356">                getLog().debug(&quot;Not copying 
scm directory over to the scm directory because it is the scm 
+                //do nothing because we are copying into scm
+            } else {
+<span class="nc" id="L359">                copy = new 
File(distCheckoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath(),  file.getName());</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L360">                SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
file, copy);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L361">                
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L363">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L364">        
+<span class="fc" id="L365">        
+<span class="fc" id="L366">        return filesForMavenScmFileSet;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copies &lt;code&gt;${basedir}/target/site&lt;/code&gt; to 
+     *
+     * @return the {@link List} of {@link File}'s contained in
+     *         
after the copy is complete.
+     * @throws MojoExecutionException if the site copying fails for some 
+     */
+    private List&lt;File&gt; copySiteToScmDirectory() throws 
MojoExecutionException {
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L377" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(!siteDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L378">            getLog().error(&quot;\&quot;mvn 
site\&quot; was not run before this goal, or a siteDirectory did not 
+<span class="nc" id="L379">            throw new MojoExecutionException(</span>
+                    &quot;\&quot;mvn site\&quot; was not run before this goal, 
or a siteDirectory did not exist.&quot;
+            );
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L383">        File siteInScm = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, &quot;site&quot;);</span>
+        try {
+<span class="fc" id="L385">            FileUtils.copyDirectory(siteDirectory, 
+<span class="nc" id="L386">        } catch (IOException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L387">            throw new 
MojoExecutionException(&quot;Site copying failed&quot;, e);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L388">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L389">        return new 
ArrayList&lt;&gt;(FileUtils.listFiles(siteInScm, null, true));</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Builds up &lt;code&gt;README.html&lt;/code&gt; and 
&lt;code&gt;HEADER.html&lt;/code&gt; that reside in following.
+     * &lt;ul&gt;
+     *     &lt;li&gt;distRoot
+     *     &lt;ul&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;binaries/HEADER.html (symlink)&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;binaries/README.html (symlink)&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;source/HEADER.html (symlink)&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;source/README.html (symlink)&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;HEADER.html&lt;/li&gt;
+     *         &lt;li&gt;README.html&lt;/li&gt;
+     *     &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *     &lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;/ul&gt;
+     * @return the {@link List} of created files above
+     * @throws MojoExecutionException if an {@link IOException} occurs in the 
creation of these
+     *                                files fails.
+     */
+    private List&lt;File&gt; buildReadmeAndHeaderHtmlFiles() throws 
MojoExecutionException {
+<span class="fc" id="L411">        List&lt;File&gt; headerAndReadmeFiles = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L412">        File headerFile = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, HEADER_FILE_NAME);</span>
+        //
+        // HEADER file
+        //
+<span class="fc" id="L416">        try (Writer headerWriter = new 
OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(headerFile), &quot;UTF-8&quot;)) 
+<span class="fc" id="L417">            
+<span class="nc" id="L418">        } catch (IOException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L419">            final String message = &quot;Could not 
build HEADER html file &quot; + headerFile;</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L420">            getLog().error(message, e);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L421">            throw new 
MojoExecutionException(message, e);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L422">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L423">        headerAndReadmeFiles.add(headerFile);</span>
+        //
+        // README file
+        //
+<span class="fc" id="L427">        File readmeFile = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, README_FILE_NAME);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L428">        try (Writer readmeWriter = new 
OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(readmeFile), &quot;UTF-8&quot;)) 
+            // @formatter:off
+<span class="fc" id="L430">            ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate 
readmeHtmlVelocityDelegate = ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate.builder()</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L431">                    
+<span class="fc" id="L432">                    
+<span class="fc" id="L433">                    
+<span class="fc" id="L434">                    .build();</span>
+            // @formatter:on
+<span class="fc" id="L436">            
+<span class="nc" id="L437">        } catch (IOException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L438">            final String message = &quot;Could not 
build README html file &quot; + readmeFile;</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L439">            getLog().error(message, e);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L440">            throw new 
MojoExecutionException(message, e);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L441">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L442">        headerAndReadmeFiles.add(readmeFile);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L443">        
+<span class="fc" id="L444">        return headerAndReadmeFiles;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copies &lt;code&gt;README.html&lt;/code&gt; and 
&lt;code&gt;HEADER.html&lt;/code&gt; to the source and binaries
+     * directories.
+     *
+     * @param headerFile The originally created 
&lt;code&gt;HEADER.html&lt;/code&gt; file.
+     * @param readmeFile The originally created 
&lt;code&gt;README.html&lt;/code&gt; file.
+     * @return a {@link List} of created files.
+     * @throws MojoExecutionException if the {@link 
SharedFunctions#copyFile(Log, File, File)}
+     *                                fails.
+     */
+    private List&lt;File&gt; copyHeaderAndReadmeToSubdirectories(File 
headerFile, File readmeFile)
+            throws MojoExecutionException {
+<span class="fc" id="L459">        List&lt;File&gt; symbolicLinkFiles = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L460">        File sourceRoot = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, &quot;source&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L461">        File binariesRoot = new 
File(distVersionRcVersionDirectory, &quot;binaries&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L462">        File sourceHeaderFile = new 
File(sourceRoot, HEADER_FILE_NAME);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L463">        File sourceReadmeFile = new 
File(sourceRoot, README_FILE_NAME);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L464">        File binariesHeaderFile = new 
File(binariesRoot, HEADER_FILE_NAME);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L465">        File binariesReadmeFile = new 
File(binariesRoot, README_FILE_NAME);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L466">        SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
headerFile, sourceHeaderFile);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L467">        
+<span class="fc" id="L468">        SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
readmeFile, sourceReadmeFile);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L469">        
+<span class="fc" id="L470">        SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
headerFile, binariesHeaderFile);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L471">        
+<span class="fc" id="L472">        SharedFunctions.copyFile(getLog(), 
readmeFile, binariesReadmeFile);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L473">        
+<span class="fc" id="L474">        return symbolicLinkFiles;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * This method is the setter for the {@link 
CommonsDistributionStagingMojo#baseDir} field, specifically
+     * for the usage in the unit tests.
+     *
+     * @param baseDir is the {@link File} to be used as the project's root 
directory when this mojo
+     *                is invoked.
+     */
+    protected void setBaseDir(File baseDir) {
+<span class="fc" id="L485">        this.baseDir = baseDir;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L486">    }</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
\ No newline at end of file

 Sat Mar  9 13:32:27 2019
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class="sortable ctr2" id="e" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td 
class="sortable ctr1" id="f" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td 
class="sortable ctr2" id="g" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cxty</td><td 
class="sortable ctr1" id="h" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td 
class="sortable ctr2" id="i" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Lines</td><td 
class="sortable ctr1" id="j" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td 
class="sortable ctr2" id="k" 
 class="bar">42 of 197</td><td class="ctr2">78%</td><td class="bar">4 of 
16</td><td cl
 ass="ctr2">75%</td><td class="ctr1">4</td><td class="ctr2">13</td><td 
class="ctr1">9</td><td class="ctr2">42</td><td class="ctr1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2">5</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td id="a2"><a 
class="el_method">execute()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b0"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="51" height="10" title="38" 
alt="38"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="68" height="10" 
title="51" alt="51"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c4">57%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d0"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="30" height="10" 
title="2" alt="2"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="90" 
height="10" title="6" alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e0">75%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f0">2</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">5</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h0">8</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">21</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
 va.html#L140" class="el_method">getAllSiteFiles(File, List)</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b1"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="5" 
height="10" title="4" alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="36" height="10" title="27" alt="27"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c3">87%</td><td class="bar" id="d1"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="15" height="10" title="1" 
alt="1"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="45" height="10" 
title="3" alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">75%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f1">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">1</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i3">6</td><td class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a4"><a 
class="el_method">writeZipFile(File, File, List)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="56" height="10" 
title="42" alt="42"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c0">100%</
 td><td class="bar" id="d2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" 
width="15" height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="45" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e2">75%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f2">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="h2">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i1">7</td><td class="ctr1" id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
class="el_method">addToZip(File, File, ZipOutputStream)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b3"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="43" height="10" 
title="32" alt="32"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d3"/><td class="ctr2" id="e3">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f3">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g3">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i2">7</td><td class="ctr1" id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k3">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a1"><a href="CommonsSiteCom" 
class="el_method">CommonsSiteCompressionMojo()</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b4"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="3" alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d4"/><td class="ctr2" id="e4">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f4">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="g4">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i4">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
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class="el_report">Apache Commons Release Plugin</a> &gt; <a 
href="index.source.html" class="el_package">org.apache.commons.release.plugin.m
 ojos</a> &gt; <span 
 class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.release.plugin.mojos;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
+ * Takes the built &lt;code&gt;./target/site&lt;/code&gt; directory and 
compresses it to
+ * &lt;code&gt;./target/commons-release-plugin/;/code&gt;.
+ *
+ * @author chtompki
+ * @since 1.0
+ * @deprecated - as we no longer wish to compress the site, we are going to 
put this functionality in the
+ *               {@link CommonsDistributionStagingMojo}.
+ */
+@Mojo(name = &quot;compress-site&quot;,
+        defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.POST_SITE,
+        threadSafe = true,
+        aggregator = true)
+<span class="fc" id="L53">public class CommonsSiteCompressionMojo extends 
AbstractMojo {</span>
+    /**
+     * The working directory for the plugin which, assuming the maven uses the 
+     * &lt;code&gt;${}&lt;/code&gt;, this becomes 
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = 
+            property = &quot;commons.outputDirectory&quot;)
+    private File workingDirectory;
+    /**
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${}/site&quot;, 
property = &quot;commons.siteOutputDirectory&quot;)
+    private File siteDirectory;
+    /**
+     * The url of the subversion repository to which we wish the artifacts to 
be staged. Typicallly
+     * this would need to be of the form:
+     * 
 Note. that the prefix to the
+     * substring &lt;code&gt;https&lt;/code&gt; is a requirement.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;&quot;, property = 
+    private String distSvnStagingUrl;
+    /**
+     * A parameter to generally avoid running unless it is specifically turned 
on by the consuming module.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;false&quot;, property = 
+    private Boolean isDistModule;
+    /**
+     * A variable for the process of creating the file.
+     */
+    private ScatterZipOutputStream dirs;
+    /**
+     * A second variable for the process of creating the file.
+     */
+    private ParallelScatterZipCreator scatterZipCreator;
+    /**
+     * The list of files to compress into the file.
+     */
+    private List&lt;File&gt; filesToCompress;
+    @Override
+    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L100" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(!isDistModule) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L101">            getLog().info(&quot;This module is 
marked as a non distribution &quot;</span>
+                    + &quot;or assembly module, and the plugin will not 
+<span class="nc" id="L103">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L105" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(StringUtils.isEmpty(distSvnStagingUrl)) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L106">            
getLog().warn(&quot;commons.distSvnStagingUrl is not set, the 
commons-release-plugin will not run.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L107">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L109" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(!siteDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L110">            getLog().error(&quot;\&quot;mvn 
site\&quot; was not run before this goal, or a siteDirectory did not 
+<span class="fc" id="L111">            throw new MojoFailureException(</span>
+                    &quot;\&quot;mvn site\&quot; was not run before this goal, 
or a siteDirectory did not exist.&quot;
+            );
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L115" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(!workingDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L116">            getLog().info(&quot;Current project 
contains no distributions. Not executing.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L117">            return;</span>
+        }
+        try {
+<span class="fc" id="L120">            filesToCompress = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L121">            getAllSiteFiles(siteDirectory, 
+<span class="fc" id="L122">            writeZipFile(workingDirectory, 
siteDirectory, filesToCompress);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L123">        } catch (IOException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L124">            getLog().error(&quot;Failed to create 
./target/commons-release-plugin/ &quot; + e.getMessage(), e);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L125">            throw new MojoExecutionException(</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L126">                    &quot;Failed to create 
./target/commons-release-plugin/ &quot; + e.getMessage(),</span>
+                    e
+            );
+<span class="fc" id="L129">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L130">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * By default this method iterates across the 
&lt;code&gt;target/site&lt;/code&gt; directory and adds all of the files
+     * to the {@link CommonsSiteCompressionMojo#filesToCompress} {@link List}.
+     *
+     * @param siteDirectory the {@link File} that represents the 
&lt;code&gt;target/site&lt;/code&gt; directory.
+     * @param filesToCompress the {@link List} to which to add all the files.
+     */
+    private void getAllSiteFiles(File siteDirectory, List&lt;File&gt; 
filesToCompress) {
+<span class="fc" id="L140">        File[] files = 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L141" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(File file : files) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L142">            filesToCompress.add(file);</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L143" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(file.isDirectory()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L144">                getAllSiteFiles(file, 
+            }
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L147">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * A helper method for writing all of the files in our 
&lt;code&gt;fileList&lt;/code&gt; to a &lt;code&gt;;/code&gt; file
+     * in the &lt;code&gt;workingDirectory&lt;/code&gt;.
+     *
+     * @param outputDirectory is a {@link File} representing the place to put 
the file.
+     * @param directoryToZip is a {@link File} representing the directory of 
the site (normally
+     *                       &lt;code&gt;target/site&lt;/code&gt;).
+     * @param fileList the list of files to be zipped up, generally generated 
+     *                 {@link CommonsSiteCompressionMojo#getAllSiteFiles(File, 
+     * @throws IOException when the copying of the files goes incorrectly.
+     */
+    private void writeZipFile(File outputDirectory, File directoryToZip, 
List&lt;File&gt; fileList) throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L161">        try (FileOutputStream fos = new 
FileOutputStream(outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + 
+<span class="fc" id="L162">                ZipOutputStream zos = new 
ZipOutputStream(fos)) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L163" title="All 2 branches covered.">            for 
(File file : fileList) {</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L164" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">                
if (!file.isDirectory()) { // we only zip files, not directories</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L165">                    addToZip(directoryToZip, file, 
+                }
+<span class="fc" id="L167">            }</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L169">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * Given the &lt;code&gt;directoryToZip&lt;/code&gt; we add the 
&lt;code&gt;file&lt;/code&gt; to the zip archive represented by
+     * &lt;code&gt;zos&lt;/code&gt;.
+     *
+     * @param directoryToZip a {@link File} representing the directory from 
which the file exists that we are
+     *                       compressing. Generally this is 
+     * @param file a {@link File} to add to the {@link ZipOutputStream} 
+     * @param zos the {@link ZipOutputStream} to which to add our 
+     * @throws IOException if adding the &lt;code&gt;file&lt;/code&gt; doesn't 
work out properly.
+     */
+    private void addToZip(File directoryToZip, File file, ZipOutputStream zos) 
throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L182">        try (FileInputStream fis = new 
FileInputStream(file)) {</span>
+            // we want the zipEntry's path to be a relative path that is 
+            // to the directory being zipped, so chop off the rest of the path
+<span class="fc" id="L185">            String zipFilePath = 
file.getCanonicalPath().substring(directoryToZip.getCanonicalPath().length() + 
+<span class="fc" id="L186">                    
+<span class="fc" id="L187">            ZipEntry zipEntry = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L188">            zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L189">            IOUtils.copy(fis, zos);</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L191">    }</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
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 ><table class="coverage" cellspacing="0" id="coveragetable"><thead><tr><td 
 >class="sortable" id="a" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Element</td><td 
 >class="down sortable bar" id="b" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed 
 >Instructions</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="c" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable bar" id="d" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed Branches</td><td class="sortable ctr2" 
 >id="e" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="f" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="g" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cxty</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="h" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="i" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Lines</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="j" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="k" 
 > class="bar">148 of 238</td><td class="ctr2">37%</td><td class="bar">11 of 
 >16</td><td cla
 ss="ctr2">31%</td><td class="ctr1">8</td><td class="ctr2">10</td><td 
class="ctr1">26</td><td class="ctr2">44</td><td class="ctr1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2">2</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td id="a1"><a 
class="el_method">execute()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b0"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="75" height="10" title="148" 
alt="148"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="44" height="10" 
title="87" alt="87"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c1">37%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d0"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="82" height="10" 
title="11" alt="11"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="37" 
height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e0">31%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f0">8</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">9</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h0">26</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">43</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
 .java.html#L58" class="el_method">CommonsStagingCleanupMojo()</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b1"><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="1" 
height="10" title="3" alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c0">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d1"/><td class="ctr2" id="e1">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">0</td><td 
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class="el_report">Apache Commons Release Plugin</a> &gt; <a 
href="index.source.html" class="el_package">
 jos</a> &gt; <span 
 class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.release.plugin.mojos;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.release.plugin.SharedFunctions;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
+import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
+import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkout.CheckOutScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.command.remove.RemoveScmResult;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.BasicScmManager;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.manager.ScmManager;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvider;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.svnexe.SvnExeScmProvider;
+import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
+import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
+import org.apache.maven.settings.crypto.SettingsDecrypter;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+ * This class checks out the dev distribution location, checkes whether 
anything exists in the
+ * distribution location, and if it is non-empty it deletes all of the 
resources there.
+ *
+ * @author chtompki
+ * @since 1.6
+ */
+@Mojo(name = &quot;clean-staging&quot;,
+        defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.POST_CLEAN,
+        threadSafe = true,
+        aggregator = true)
+<span class="fc" id="L58">public class CommonsStagingCleanupMojo extends 
AbstractMojo {</span>
+    /**
+     * The {@link MavenProject} object is essentially the context of the maven 
build at
+     * a given time.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${project}&quot;, required = true)
+    private MavenProject project;
+    /**
+     * The main working directory for the plugin, namely 
&lt;code&gt;target/commons-release-plugin&lt;/code&gt;, but
+     * that assumes that we're using the default maven 
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = 
&quot;${}/commons-release-plugin&quot;, property = 
+    private File workingDirectory;
+    /**
+     * The location to which to checkout the dist subversion repository under 
our working directory, which
+     * was given above. We then do an SVN delete on all of the directories in 
this repository.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = 
+            property = &quot;commons.distCleanupDirectory&quot;)
+    private File distCleanupDirectory;
+    /**
+     * A boolean that determines whether or not we actually commit the files 
up to the subversion repository.
+     * If this is set to &lt;code&gt;true&lt;/code&gt;, we do all but make the 
commits. We do checkout the repository in question
+     * though.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.release.dryRun&quot;, defaultValue = 
+    private Boolean dryRun;
+    /**
+     * The url of the subversion repository to which we wish the artifacts to 
be staged. Typically this would need to
+     * be of the form: 
 Note. that
+     * the prefix to the substring &lt;code&gt;https&lt;/code&gt; is a 
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;&quot;, property = 
+    private String distSvnStagingUrl;
+    /**
+     * A parameter to generally avoid running unless it is specifically turned 
on by the consuming module.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;false&quot;, property = 
+    private Boolean isDistModule;
+    /**
+     * The ID of the server (specified in settings.xml) which should be used 
for dist authentication.
+     * This will be used in preference to {@link #username}/{@link #password}.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;commons.distServer&quot;)
+    private String distServer;
+    /**
+     * The username for the distribution subversion repository. This is 
typically your Apache id.
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;;)
+    private String username;
+    /**
+     * The password associated with {@link 
+     */
+    @Parameter(property = &quot;user.password&quot;)
+    private String password;
+    /**
+     * Maven {@link Settings}.
+     */
+    @Parameter(defaultValue = &quot;${settings}&quot;, readonly = true, 
required = true)
+    private Settings settings;
+    /**
+     * Maven {@link SettingsDecrypter} component.
+     */
+    @Component
+    private SettingsDecrypter settingsDecrypter;
+    @Override
+    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L137" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(!isDistModule) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L138">            getLog().info(&quot;This module is 
marked as a non distribution &quot;</span>
+                    + &quot;or assembly module, and the plugin will not 
+<span class="nc" id="L140">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L142" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(StringUtils.isEmpty(distSvnStagingUrl)) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L143">            
getLog().warn(&quot;commons.distSvnStagingUrl is not set, the 
commons-release-plugin will not run.&quot;);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L144">            return;</span>
+        }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L146" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        if 
(!workingDirectory.exists()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L147">            SharedFunctions.initDirectory(getLog(), 
+        }
+        try {
+<span class="fc" id="L150">            ScmManager scmManager = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L151">            
scmManager.setScmProvider(&quot;svn&quot;, new SvnExeScmProvider());</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L152">            ScmRepository repository = 
+<span class="fc" id="L153">            ScmProvider provider = 
+<span class="fc" id="L154">            SvnScmProviderRepository 
providerRepository = (SvnScmProviderRepository) 
+<span class="fc" id="L155">            
+                    providerRepository,
+                    distServer,
+                    settings,
+                    settingsDecrypter,
+                    username,
+                    password
+            );
+<span class="fc" id="L163">            getLog().info(&quot;Checking out dist 
from: &quot; + distSvnStagingUrl);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L164">            ScmFileSet scmFileSet = new 
+<span class="fc" id="L165">            final CheckOutScmResult checkOutResult 
= provider.checkOut(repository, scmFileSet);</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L166" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(!checkOutResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L167">                throw new 
MojoExecutionException(&quot;Failed to checkout files from SCM: &quot;</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L168">                        + 
checkOutResult.getProviderMessage() + &quot; [&quot; + 
checkOutResult.getCommandOutput() + &quot;]&quot;);</span>
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L170">            List&lt;File&gt; filesToRemove = 
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L171" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(filesToRemove.size() == 1) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L172">                getLog().info(&quot;No files to 
+<span class="fc" id="L173">                return;</span>
+            }
+<span class="nc bnc" id="L175" title="All 2 branches missed.">            if 
(!dryRun) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L176">                ScmFileSet fileSet = new 
ScmFileSet(distCleanupDirectory, filesToRemove);</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L177">                RemoveScmResult removeScmResult = 
provider.remove(repository, fileSet, &quot;Cleaning up staging 
+<span class="nc bnc" id="L178" title="All 2 branches missed.">                
if (!removeScmResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L179">                    throw new 
MojoFailureException(&quot;Failed to remove files from SCM: &quot;</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L180">                            + 
+<span class="nc" id="L181">                            + &quot; [&quot; + 
removeScmResult.getCommandOutput() + &quot;]&quot;);</span>
+                }
+<span class="nc" id="L183">                getLog().info(&quot;Cleaning 
distribution area for: &quot; + project.getArtifactId());</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L184">                CheckInScmResult checkInResult = 
+                        repository,
+                        fileSet,
+<span class="nc" id="L187">                        &quot;Cleaning distribution 
area for: &quot; + project.getArtifactId()</span>
+                );
+<span class="nc bnc" id="L189" title="All 2 branches missed.">                
if (!checkInResult.isSuccess()) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L190">                    throw new 
MojoFailureException(&quot;Failed to commit files: &quot; + 
+<span class="nc" id="L191">                            + &quot; [&quot; + 
removeScmResult.getCommandOutput() + &quot;]&quot;);</span>
+                }
+<span class="nc" id="L193">            } else {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L194">                getLog().info(&quot;Would have 
attempted to delete files from: &quot; + distSvnStagingUrl);</span>
+            }
+<span class="nc" id="L196">        } catch (ScmException e) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L197">            throw new 
+<span class="nc" id="L198">        }</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L200">    }</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
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onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2"
 class="bar">510 of 1,666</td><td class="ctr2">69%</td><td class="bar">32 of 
90</td><td class="ctr2">64%</td><td class="ctr1">27</td><td 
class="ctr2">70</td><td class="ctr1">88</td><td class="ctr2">321</td><td 
class="ctr1">0</td><td class="ctr2">25</td><td class="ctr1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2">4</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td id="a1"><a 
class="el_class">CommonsDistributionStagingMojo</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b0"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="37" height="10" 
title="250" alt="250"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="82" 
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 /td><td class="ctr1" id="f0">11</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">27</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="h0">38</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">143</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="l0">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="m0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
class="el_class">CommonsStagingCleanupMojo</a></td><td class="bar" id="b1"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="22" height="10" title="148" 
alt="148"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="13" height="10" 
title="90" alt="90"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">37%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d1"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="36" height="10" 
title="11" alt="11"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" 
height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e3">31%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f1">8</td><td class="ctr2" id="g3">10</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h1">26</td><td class="ctr2" id="i2">44</td><td class="ctr1" id="j1">0</
 td><td class="ctr2" id="k3">2</td><td class="ctr1" id="l1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="m1">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
class="el_class">CommonsDistributionDetachmentMojo</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b2"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="10" height="10" 
title="70" alt="70"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="53" 
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height="10" title="4" alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="60" height="10" title="18" alt="18"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e0">81%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f2">4</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g1">20</td><td class="ctr1" id="h2">15</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i1">92</td><td class="ctr1" id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k1">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="l2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="m2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a href="CommonsSiteCompress
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height="10" title="42" alt="42"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="23" height="10" title="155" alt="155"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c1">78%</td><td class="bar" id="d3"><img 
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alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="40" height="10" 
title="12" alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">75%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f3">4</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">13</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h3">9</td><td class="ctr2" id="i3">42</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k2">5</td><td class="ctr1" id="l3">0</td><td 
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onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="m" oncli
class="bar">510 of 1,666</td><td class="ctr2">69%</td><td class="bar">32 of 
90</td><td class="ctr2">64%</td><td class="ctr1">27</td><td 
class="ctr2">70</td><td class="ctr1">88</td><td class="ctr2">321</td><td 
class="ctr1">0</td><td class="ctr2">25</td><td class="ctr1">0</td><td 
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height="10" title="551" alt="551"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">68%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d0"><img src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="43" 
height="10" title="13" alt="13"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
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class="ctr1" id="h0">38</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">143</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="l0">0</td><td 
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title="148" alt="148"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="13" 
height="10" title="90" alt="90"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">37%</td><td 
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height="10" title="11" alt="11"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="16" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e3">31%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f1">8</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g3">10</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">26</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i2">44</td><td class="ctr1" id
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id="c0">83%</td><td class="bar" id="d2"><img 
src="../jacoco-resources/redbar.gif" width="13" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="60" height="10" 
title="18" alt="18"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e0">81%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f2">4</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">20</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h2">15</td><td class="ctr2" id="i1">92</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k1">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="l2">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="m2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a href=
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title="42" alt="42"/><img src="../jacoco-resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" 
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id="a0"><a href="" 
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