majian1998 commented on code in PR #10226:

@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.command.procedures
+import org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
+import org.apache.hudi.avro.model._
+import org.apache.hudi.client.common.HoodieSparkEngineContext
+import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieMetadataConfig
+import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils
+import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{FileSlice, HoodieRecord}
+import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.{HoodieDefaultTimeline, 
+import org.apache.hudi.common.table.view.HoodieTableFileSystemView
+import org.apache.hudi.common.table.{HoodieTableMetaClient, 
+import org.apache.hudi.common.util.{Option => HOption}
+import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException
+import org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadata
+import org.apache.hudi.{AvroConversionUtils, ColumnStatsIndexSupport}
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataTypes, Metadata, StructField, 
+import java.util
+import java.util.function.{Function, Supplier}
+import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer
+import scala.collection.{JavaConversions, mutable}
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.{asScalaBufferConverter, 
asScalaIteratorConverter, seqAsJavaListConverter}
+ * Calculate the degree of overlap between column stats.
+ * The overlap represents the extent to which the min-max ranges cover each 
+ * By referring to the overlap, we can visually demonstrate the degree of data 
+ * for different columns under the current table's data layout.
+ * The calculation is performed at the partition level (assuming that data 
skipping is based on partition pruning).
+ *
+ * For example, consider three files: a.parquet, b.parquet, and c.parquet.
+ * Taking an integer-type column 'id' as an example, the range (min-max) for 
'a' is 1–5,
+ * for 'b' is 3–7, and for 'c' is 7–8. This results in their values 
overlapping on the coordinate axis as follows:
+ * Value Range: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ * a.parquet:   [-------]
+ * b.parquet:      [--------]
+ * c.parquet:               [-]
+ * Thus, there will be overlap within the ranges 3–5 and 7.
+ * If the filter conditions for 'id' during data skipping include these values,
+ * multiple files will be filtered out. For a simpler case, if it's an 
equality query,
+ * 2 files will be filtered within these ranges, and no more than one file 
will be filtered in other cases (possibly outside of the range).
+ *
+ * Additionally, calculating the degree of overlap based solely on the maximum 
+ * may not provide sufficient information. Therefore, we sample and calculate 
the overlap degree
+ * for all values involved in the min-max range. We also compute the degree of 
+ * at different percentiles and tally the count of these values.An example of 
a result is as follows:
+ * |Partition path |Field name |Average overlap  |Maximum file overlap |Total 
file number |50% overlap        |75% overlap        |95% overlap        |99% 
overlap        |Total value number |
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |path           |c8         |1.33             |2                   |2       
         |1                 |1                 |1                 |1            
     |3                  |
+ */
+class ShowColumnStatsOverlapProcedure extends BaseProcedure with 
ProcedureBuilder with Logging {
+  private val PARAMETERS = Array[ProcedureParameter](
+    ProcedureParameter.required(0, "table", DataTypes.StringType),
+    ProcedureParameter.optional(1, "partition", DataTypes.StringType),
+    ProcedureParameter.optional(2, "targetColumns", DataTypes.StringType)
+  )
+  private val OUTPUT_TYPE = new StructType(Array[StructField](
+    StructField("Partition path", DataTypes.StringType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("Field name", DataTypes.StringType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("Average overlap", DataTypes.DoubleType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("Maximum file overlap", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = 
true, Metadata.empty),
+    StructField("Total file number", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("50% overlap", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("75% overlap", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("95% overlap", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("99% overlap", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+    StructField("Total value number", DataTypes.IntegerType, nullable = true, 
+  ))
+  def parameters: Array[ProcedureParameter] = PARAMETERS
+  def outputType: StructType = OUTPUT_TYPE
+  override def call(args: ProcedureArgs): Seq[Row] = {
+    super.checkArgs(PARAMETERS, args)
+    val table = getArgValueOrDefault(args, PARAMETERS(0))
+    val partitions = getArgValueOrDefault(args, 
+    val partitionsSeq = partitions.split(",").filter(_.nonEmpty).toSeq
+    val targetColumnsSeq = getTargetColumnsSeq(args)
+    val basePath = getBasePath(table)
+    val metadataConfig = HoodieMetadataConfig.newBuilder().enable(true).build
+    val metaClient = 
+    val schema = getSchema(metaClient)
+    val columnStatsIndex = new ColumnStatsIndexSupport(spark, schema, 
metadataConfig, metaClient)
+    val fsView = buildFileSystemView(table)
+    val engineCtx = new HoodieSparkEngineContext(jsc)
+    val metaTable = HoodieTableMetadata.create(engineCtx, metadataConfig, 
+    val allFileSlices = getAllFileSlices(partitionsSeq, metaTable, fsView)
+    val fileSlicesSizeByPartition = 
+    val allFileNamesMap = getAllFileNamesMap(allFileSlices)
+    val colStatsRecords = getColStatsRecords(targetColumnsSeq, 
columnStatsIndex, schema)
+    val pointList = getPointList(colStatsRecords, allFileNamesMap, schema)
+    // Group points by column name
+    val groupedPoints = pointList.groupBy(p => (p.partitionPath, p.columnName))
+    val rows = new util.ArrayList[Row]
+    addStatisticsToRows(groupedPoints, fileSlicesSizeByPartition, rows)
+    // The returned results are sorted by column name and average value
+    rows.toList.sortBy(row => (row.getString(1), row.getDouble(2)))
+  }
+  def getTargetColumnsSeq(args: ProcedureArgs): Seq[String] = {
+    val targetColumns = getArgValueOrDefault(args, 
+    if (targetColumns != "") {
+      targetColumns.split(",").toSeq
+    } else {
+      Seq.empty[String]
+    }
+  }
+  def getSchema(metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient): StructType = {
+    val schemaUtil = new TableSchemaResolver(metaClient)
+  }
+  def getAllFileSlices(partitionsSeq: Seq[String], metaTable: 
HoodieTableMetadata, fsView: HoodieTableFileSystemView): Set[FileSlice] = {
+    if (partitionsSeq.isEmpty) {
+      getFileSlices(metaTable.getAllPartitionPaths, fsView)
+    } else {
+      val filteredPartitions = metaTable.getAllPartitionPaths.asScala
+        .filter(partition => partitionsSeq.exists(prefix => 
+        .toList
+        .asJava
+      getFileSlices(filteredPartitions, fsView)
+    }
+  }
+  def getFileSlices(partitionPaths: util.List[String], fsView: 
HoodieTableFileSystemView): Set[FileSlice] = {
+    partitionPaths
+      .asScala
+      .flatMap(path => fsView.getLatestFileSlices(path).iterator().asScala)
+      .toSet
+  }
+  def getAllFileNamesMap(allFileSlices: Set[FileSlice]): Map[String, String] = 
+ { fileSlice =>
+      val fileName = fileSlice.getBaseFile.get().getFileName
+      val partitionPath = fileSlice.getPartitionPath
+      fileName -> partitionPath
+    }.toMap
+  }
+  def getColStatsRecords(targetColumnsSeq: Seq[String], columnStatsIndex: 
ColumnStatsIndexSupport, schema: StructType): 
HoodieData[HoodieMetadataColumnStats] = {
+    if (!targetColumnsSeq.isEmpty) {
+      columnStatsIndex.loadColumnStatsIndexRecords(targetColumnsSeq, false)
+    } else {
+      columnStatsIndex.loadColumnStatsIndexRecords(
+        schema.fields.filter(field => 
+        false
+      )
+    }
+  }
+  def getPointList(colStatsRecords: HoodieData[HoodieMetadataColumnStats], 
allFileNamesMap: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): 
List[ColumnStatsPoint] = {
+    colStatsRecords.collectAsList().asScala
+      .filter(c => allFileNamesMap.keySet.contains(c.getFileName))
+      .flatMap(c =>
+        (getColumnStatsValue(c.getMinValue), 
getColumnStatsValue(c.getMaxValue)) match {
+          case (Some(minValue), Some(maxValue)) =>
+            Seq(
+              new 
c.getColumnName, minValue, "min", schema(c.getColumnName).dataType.typeName),
+              new 
c.getColumnName, maxValue, "max", schema(c.getColumnName).dataType.typeName)
+            )
+          case _ => Seq.empty
+        }
+      )
+      .toList
+  }
+  /**
+   * Adds statistical information to the result rows.
+   *
+   * @param groupedPoints             Data points grouped by partition path 
and column name
+   * @param fileSlicesSizeByPartition Calculated number of file slices by 
partition path
+   * @param rows                      List of rows storing the results
+   */
+  def addStatisticsToRows(groupedPoints: Map[(String, String), 
+                          fileSlicesSizeByPartition: Map[String, Int],
+                          rows: util.ArrayList[Row]): Unit = {
+ { case ((partitionPath, columnName), points) =>
+      val sortedPoints = points.sorted
+      var maxCount, currentCount = 0
+      val valueToCountMap: mutable.ListMap[String, Int] = 
mutable.ListMap.empty[String, Int]
+      sortedPoints.foreach { point =>
+        if (point.pType == "min") {
+          currentCount += 1
+          maxCount = Math.max(maxCount, currentCount)
+          valueToCountMap(point.value) = currentCount
+        } else {
+          if (!valueToCountMap.contains(point.value)) {
+            valueToCountMap(point.value) = currentCount
+          }
+          currentCount -= 1
+        }
+      }
+      val averageCount =
+        if (valueToCountMap.nonEmpty) valueToCountMap.values.sum.toDouble / 
+        else 0
+      val sortedCounts = valueToCountMap.values.toList.sorted
+      rows.add(Row(
+        partitionPath,
+        columnName,
+        averageCount,
+        maxCount,
+        fileSlicesSizeByPartition.get(partitionPath),
+        calculatePercentile(sortedCounts, 50),
+        calculatePercentile(sortedCounts, 75),
+        calculatePercentile(sortedCounts, 95),
+        calculatePercentile(sortedCounts, 99),
+        sortedCounts.size
+      ))
+    }
+  }
+  def calculatePercentile(values: List[Int], percentile: Double): Int = {
+    val index = (percentile / 100.0 * (values.size - 1)).toInt
+    values(index)
+  }
+  def buildFileSystemView(table: Option[Any]): HoodieTableFileSystemView = {
+    val basePath = getBasePath(table)
+    val metaClient = 
+    val fs = metaClient.getFs
+    val globPath = s"$basePath/*/*/*"
+    val statuses = FSUtils.getGlobStatusExcludingMetaFolder(fs, new 
+    val timeline = 
+    val maxInstant = metaClient.createNewInstantTime()
+    val instants = 
timeline.getInstants.iterator().asScala.filter(_.getTimestamp < maxInstant)
+    val details = new Function[HoodieInstant, 
+      with {
+      override def apply(instant: HoodieInstant): HOption[Array[Byte]] = {
+        metaClient.getActiveTimeline.getInstantDetails(instant)
+      }
+    }
+    val filteredTimeline = new HoodieDefaultTimeline(
+      new 
+    new HoodieTableFileSystemView(metaClient, filteredTimeline, 
statuses.toArray(new Array[FileStatus](statuses.size)))
+  }
+  def getColumnStatsValue(stats_value: Any): Option[String] = {
+    if (stats_value == null) {
+      logInfo("invalid value " + stats_value)
+      None

Review Comment:
    Done, this has been abstracted into HoodieTableMetadataUtil.

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