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The following page has been changed by MartinSebor:

The comment on the change is:
Colorized DONE and TO DO statuses.

  ||<rowstyle="background-color:powderblue;font-weight:bold"> || ISSUE || 
  || {i}  || [     1] ||<(> C library linkage 
editing oversight || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
  || {i}  || [     3] ||<(> Atexit registration 
during `atexit()` call is not described || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
- || (./) || [     5] ||<(> `string::compare` 
specification questionable || DONE || N/A ||
+ || (./) || [     5] ||<(> `string::compare` 
specification questionable ||<style="color:green"> DONE || N/A ||
  || {*}  || [   17] ||<(> Bad `bool` parsing || 
CHECK || ||
- || {X}  || [ 135] ||<(> Does `unique_copy()` 
require Copy``Constructible and Assignable? || '''TO DO''' || 
[ STDCXX-241] ||
+ || {X}  || [ 135] ||<(> Does `unique_copy()` 
require Copy``Constructible and Assignable? ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' 
|| [ STDCXX-241] ||
- || (./) || [ 231] ||<(> Precision in iostream? 
|| DONE || [ STDCXX-763] ||
+ || (./) || [ 231] ||<(> Precision in iostream? 
||<style="color:green"> DONE || 
[ STDCXX-763] ||
- || (./) || [ 453] ||<(> 
`basic_stringbuf::seekoff` need not always fail for an empty stream || DONE || 
[ STDCXX-332] ||
+ || (./) || [ 453] ||<(> 
`basic_stringbuf::seekoff` need not always fail for an empty stream 
||<style="color:green"> DONE || 
[ STDCXX-332] ||
- || (./) || [ 467] ||<(> `char_traits::lt()`, 
`compare()`, and `memcmp()` || DONE || 
[ STDCXX-214] ||
+ || (./) || [ 467] ||<(> `char_traits::lt()`, 
`compare()`, and `memcmp()` ||<style="color:green"> DONE || 
[ STDCXX-214] ||
- || (./) || [ 559] ||<(> `numeric_limits<const 
T>` || DONE || [ STDCXX-151] ||
+ || (./) || [ 559] ||<(> `numeric_limits<const 
T>` ||<style="color:green">  DONE || 
[ STDCXX-151] ||
- || (./) || [ 625] ||<(> mixed up ''Effects'' and 
''Returns'' clauses || DONE || 
[ STDCXX-272] ||
+ || (./) || [ 625] ||<(> mixed up ''Effects'' and 
''Returns'' clauses ||<style="color:green">  DONE || 
[ STDCXX-272] ||
  || {*}  || [ 681] ||<(> Operator functions 
impossible to compare are defined in [re.submatch.op] || CHECK || ||
- || {X}  || [ 682] ||<(> `basic_regex` ctor takes 
`InputIterator` or `ForwardIterator`? || '''TO DO''' || ||
+ || {X}  || [ 682] ||<(> `basic_regex` ctor takes 
`InputIterator` or `ForwardIterator`? ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' || ||
- || {X}  || [ 687] ||<(> `shared_ptr` conversion 
constructor not constrained || '''TO DO''' || ||
+ || {X}  || [ 687] ||<(> `shared_ptr` conversion 
constructor not constrained ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' || ||
- || {X}  || [ 689] ||<(> `reference_wrapper` 
constructor overly constrained || '''TO DO''' || ||
+ || {X}  || [ 689] ||<(> `reference_wrapper` 
constructor overly constrained ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' || ||
  || {*}  || [ 693] ||<(> `std::bitset::all()` 
missing || CHECK || ||
  || {*}  || [ 694] ||<(> `std::bitset` and `long 
long` || CHECK || ||
  || {*}  || [ 695] ||<(> 
`ctype<char>::classic_table()` not accessible || CHECK || ||
- || {X}  || [ 699] ||<(> 
[ N2111] 
changes `min`/`max` || '''TO DO''' || ||
+ || {X}  || [ 699] ||<(> 
[ N2111] 
changes `min`/`max` ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' || ||
  || {*}  || [ 700] ||<(> 
[ N1856] 
defines `struct identity` || CHECK || ||
  || {i}  || [ 703] ||<(> `map::at()` need a 
complexity specification || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
  || {*}  || [ 705] ||<(> type-trait `decay` 
incompletely specified || CHECK || ||
- || {X}  || [ 706] ||<(> `make_pair()` should 
behave as `make_tuple()` wrt. `reference_wrapper()`|| '''TO DO ''' || ||
+ || {X}  || [ 706] ||<(> `make_pair()` should 
behave as `make_tuple()` wrt. `reference_wrapper()`||<style="color:red"> '''TO 
DO ''' || ||
- || {X}  || [ 712] ||<(> `seed_seq::size` no 
longer useful || '''TO DO''' ||  ||
+ || {X}  || [ 712] ||<(> `seed_seq::size` no 
longer useful ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' ||  ||
  ||||||<tablestyle="text-align:center;"> Codes and Descriptions ||
  ||<rowstyle="background-color:powderblue;font-weight:bold"> ICON || STATUS || 
- || {i}  || ''Editorial'' ||<(> Either an editorial issue or one that requires 
no code changes. ||
+ || {i}  || ''Editorial''                  ||<(> Either an editorial issue or 
one that requires no code changes. ||
- || (./) || DONE          ||<(> Change fully implemented and exercised by one 
or more tests. ||
+ || (./) ||<style="color:green"> DONE      ||<(> Change fully implemented and 
exercised by one or more tests. ||
- || {*}  || CHECK         ||<(> Further analysis needed or implementation 
status unknown. ||
+ || {*}  || CHECK                          ||<(> Further analysis needed or 
implementation status unknown. ||
- || /!\  || INCOMPLETE    ||<(> Change only partially implemented or not 
exercised by a test. ||
+ || /!\  || INCOMPLETE                     ||<(> Change only partially 
implemented or not exercised by a test. ||
- || {X}  || '''TO DO'''   ||<(> Change not implemented yet. ||
+ || {X}  ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' ||<(> Change not implemented yet. ||

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