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The following page has been changed by MartinSebor:

The comment on the change is:
Added generated LWG defects between 18 and 134.

  ||||||||||<tablestyle="text-align:center;"> Status of C++ Issues ||
  ||<rowstyle="background-color:powderblue;font-weight:bold"> || ISSUE || 
- || {i}  || [     1] ||<(> C library linkage 
editing oversight || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
+ || {i} || [     1] ||<(> C library linkage editing 
oversight || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
- || {i}  || [     3] ||<(> Atexit registration 
during `atexit()` call is not described || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
+ || {i} || [     3] ||<(> Atexit registration 
during `atexit()` call is not described || ''Editorial'' || N/A ||
- || (./) || [     5] ||<(> `string::compare` 
specification questionable ||<style="color:green"> DONE || N/A ||
+ || (./)|| [     5] ||<(> `string::compare` 
specification questionable ||<style="color:green"> DONE || N/A ||
- || {*}  || [   17] ||<(> Bad `bool` parsing || 
CHECK || ||
+ || {*} || [   17] ||<(> Bad `bool` parsing || 
CHECK || ||
+ || {*} || [ 18] ||<(> Get(...bool&) omitted || || 
+ || {*} || [ 19] ||<(> `Noconv` definition too 
vague || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 20] ||<(> Thousands_sep returns wrong 
type || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 21] ||<(> Codecvt_byname<> 
instantiations || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 22] ||<(> Member open vs. flags || || 
+ || {*} || [ 24] ||<(> `do_convert` doesn't exist 
|| || ||
+ || {*} || [ 25] ||<(> String operator<< uses 
width() value wrong || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 26] ||<(> Bad sentry example || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 27] ||<(> String::erase(range) yields 
wrong iterator || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 28] ||<(> Ctype<char>is ambiguous || 
|| ||
+ || {*} || [ 29] ||<(> Ios_base::init doesn't 
exist || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 30] ||<(> Wrong header for LC_* || || 
+ || {*} || [ 31] ||<(> Immutable locale values || 
|| ||
+ || {*} || [ 32] ||<(> Pbackfail description 
inconsistent || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 33] ||<(> Codecvt<> mentions 
from_type || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 34] ||<(> True/falsename() not in 
ctype<> || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 35] ||<(> No manipulator unitbuf in 
synopsis || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 36] ||<(> Iword & pword storage 
lifetime omitted || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 37] ||<(> Leftover `global` reference 
|| || ||
+ || {*} || [ 38] ||<(> Facet definition incomplete 
|| || ||
+ || {*} || [ 39] ||<(> 
istreambuf_iterator<>::operator++(int) definition garbled || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 40] ||<(> Meaningless normative 
paragraph in examples || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 41] ||<(> Ios_base needs clear(), 
exceptions() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 42] ||<(> String ctors specify wrong 
default allocator || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 44] ||<(> Iostreams use operator== on 
int_type values || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 46] ||<(> Minor Annex D errors || || 
+ || {*} || [ 47] ||<(> Imbue() and getloc() 
Returns clauses swapped || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 48] ||<(> Use of non-existent 
exception constructor || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 49] ||<(> Underspecification of 
ios_base::sync_with_stdio || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 50] ||<(> Copy constructor and 
assignment operator of ios_base || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 51] ||<(> Requirement to not 
invalidate iterators missing || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 52] ||<(> Small I/O problems || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 53] ||<(> Basic_ios destructor 
unspecified || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 54] ||<(> Basic_streambuf's 
destructor || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 55] ||<(> Invalid stream position is 
undefined || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 56] ||<(> Showmanyc's return type || 
|| ||
+ || {*} || [ 57] ||<(> Mistake in char_traits || 
|| ||
+ || {*} || [ 59] ||<(> Ambiguity in specification 
of gbump || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 60] ||<(> What is a formatted input 
function? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 61] ||<(> Ambiguity in iostreams 
exception policy || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 62] ||<(> `Sync`'s return value || || 
+ || {*} || [ 63] ||<(> Exception-handling policy 
for unformatted output || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 64] ||<(> Exception handling in 
`basic_istream::operator>>(basic_streambuf*)` || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 66] ||<(> Strstreambuf::setbuf || || 
+ || {*} || [ 68] ||<(> Extractors for char* should 
store null at end || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 69] ||<(> Must elements of a vector 
be contiguous? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 70] ||<(> Uncaught_exception() 
missing throw() specification || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 71] ||<(> Do_get_monthname synopsis 
missing argument || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 74] ||<(> Garbled text for 
`codecvt::do_max_length` || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 75] ||<(> Contradiction in 
`codecvt::length`'s argument types || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 76] ||<(> Can a `codecvt` facet 
always convert one internal character at a time? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 78] ||<(> Typo: event_call_back || || 
+ || {*} || [ 79] ||<(> Inconsistent declaration of 
polar() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 80] ||<(> Global Operators of complex 
declared twice || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 83] ||<(> String::npos vs. 
string::max_size() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 86] ||<(> String constructors don't 
describe exceptions || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 90] ||<(> Incorrect description of 
operator >> for strings || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 91] ||<(> Description of operator>> 
and getline() for string<> might cause endless loop || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 92] ||<(> Incomplete Algorithm 
Requirements || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 98] ||<(> Input iterator requirements 
are badly written || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 103] ||<(> set::iterator is required 
to be modifiable, but this allows modification of keys || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 106] ||<(> Numeric library private 
members are implementation defined || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 108] ||<(> Lifetime of 
exception::what() return unspecified || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 109] ||<(> Missing binders for 
non-const sequence elements || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 110] ||<(> 
istreambuf_iterator::equal not const || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 112] ||<(> Minor typo in 
`ostreambuf_iterator` constructor || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 114] ||<(> Placement forms example 
in error twice || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 115] ||<(> Typo in strstream 
constructors || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 117] ||<(> `basic_ostream` uses 
nonexistent <tt>num_put</tt> member functions || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 118] ||<(> `basic_istream` uses 
nonexistent <tt>num_get</tt> member functions || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 119] ||<(> Should virtual functions 
be allowed to strengthen the exception specification? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 120] ||<(> Can an implementor add 
specializations? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 122] ||<(> streambuf/wstreambuf 
description should not say they are specializations || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 123] ||<(> Should valarray helper 
arrays fill functions be const? || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 124] ||<(> 
ctype_byname<charT>::do_scan_is & do_scan_not return type should be const 
charT* || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 125] ||<(> valarray<T>::operator!() 
return type is inconsistent || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 126] ||<(> typos in Effects clause 
of ctype::do_narrow() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 127] ||<(> auto_ptr<> conversion 
issues || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 129] ||<(> Need error indication 
from seekp() and seekg() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 130] ||<(> Return type of 
container::erase(iterator) differs for associative containers || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 132] ||<(> list::resize description 
uses random access iterators || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 133] ||<(> map missing 
get_allocator() || || ||
+ || {*} || [ 134] ||<(> vector constructors over 
specified || || ||
  || {X}  || [ 135] ||<(> Does `unique_copy()` 
require Copy``Constructible and Assignable? ||<style="color:red"> '''TO DO''' 
|| [ STDCXX-241] ||
  || (./) || [ 231] ||<(> Precision in iostream? 
||<style="color:green"> DONE || 
[ STDCXX-763] ||
  || (./) || [ 453] ||<(> 
`basic_stringbuf::seekoff` need not always fail for an empty stream 
||<style="color:green"> DONE || 
[ STDCXX-332] ||

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